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Some Terrier Dogs That You Would Find Interesting
The personality of a lively child put into dog- this might be a good way of describing the general personality of terriers. But as it appears, that still would not justify their temperaments. These dogs came from the British Isles where they were first oriented to hunting fox, rat, otter and the likes over and under the ground. And as its name suggests, terrier came from the word terra which means, earth. While terriers may be identified through their prominent physical characteristics, they are still divided into various breeds that separate one kind from another. The following are the subgroups of the terrier breed: Show Terriers- These are basically bred as small dogs and are used for show rings. Bull and Terrier Types- these came from breeding between bull dogs and terriers. Only in the last quarter of 1800s did the breeders separate a number of bull dogs from terrier types for distinction. Hunting and Working Terriers- The breed that was primarily bred for hunting. Toy Terriers- These are the smaller versions of terriers, which are basically categorized into the companion breed. To help you understand the various natures of terrier dogs, we have prepared some dog profiles here, please read on. Airedale Terrier- This is known to be the largest dog in the Terrier breed. Standing an average of 23 inches from the shoulder, this dog shows off both beauty and elegance that make them fit for both dog obedience trials and show rings. A cross-breed between Otterhound and Black and Tan Terrier, Airedale possess good skill in scent and superb swimming prowess. Australian Terrier- Probably one of the dog types that have gotten to so many out-crossings with other dog breeds. A cross breed between the forerunner of Dandie Dinmont and rough coated terrier is said to have been migrated into England. The offspring of which was taken to Australia. With the scarcity of dog breeds in this land, many dogs had been crossbred into it which later resulted to a small type having the characteristics of terriers while being a good watchdog and ratter. It stands 10 to 11 inches with a life expectancy of 12 to 14 years. Border Terrier- A True-blue working terrier, this dog is marked by its medium built while proving to work far better than what its appearance may give. Border Terriers are agile and alert while having the capacity to fit into narrow gaps especially during hunting. Aside from its being affectionate and good adaptation to training, Border terriers can also make good family pets. Bull Terrier- Originally bred for dog fighting and bull baiting, this dog is known to have been well-accustomed to courage and good resistance to pain. However, when the bloody dog fights were banned in England during the 1800s, most breeders turned to breeding milder dogs. Bull Terriers came from these fighting dogs combined with Dalmatian and English Terrier to produce all-white specie. This new breed though is very much reserved from starting fights which gave them the nickname White Cavalier. There are of course a variety of other terrier species. Initially, you might find them interesting enough to catch your attention but a closer look would lead you to further knowing them. Who knows, you might find your ideal type of dog in this breed.
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The Playful and Versatile Dog: Wheaten Terrier
Like most terriers, the Wheaten terriers, or simply called as Wheatens, were originally bred as hunters. Therefore, their physique naturally evolved as strong and healthy. Their hunting instincts have made them agile and alert as most terriers are. However, this breed is more stable and steady as compared to most terriers as they were used as by Irish farmers as all-purpose dogs. Among the activities that molded their instincts and physical features were herding cattle and sheep, vermin terminators, hunting both in water and on land, and serving as watch dogs that deterred trespassers. The following are some of the basic facts breeders would really love to know about Wheatens: Category: Terrier Living Environment: indoors (highly recommended); outdoors (fenced yard) Coat: single coat, medium length, silky and soft, wavy Colors: born to have black coats but at the age of two, their coats lighten to achieve the color of wheat grains Height: between 17 and 20 inches Weight: between 30 and 45 pounds Temperament: Naturally, they rarely bark especially when it is unnecessary to do so they immediately reflect the moods of their household or those around them. their type requires a great deal of commitment and effort in training them so they should not be given to novice breeders and/or owners If trained properly, they are generally happy and friendly are easy-going, confident, and deeply dedicated to their family's security can get along well with older children and other animals that have been raised with them or are living within the same household Breeders should note of the following health issues: Flea allergies Addison's disease Heat stroke PLN and PLE Care and Exercise: They require daily combing to prevent their wavy and thick coat from tangling. They should undergo trimming by professionals at least four times each year. Dry shampooing or even bathing should be done only when it is necessary. Eyes and ears should be checked and cleaned on a regular basis. They should be brought along with family activities such as play sessions, hiking, picnic, and even walking. Origin/History: The soft coated breed of terriers, shortly called as Wheatens, originated from Ireland. The date of their existence was obscure but many assumed that their breeds were one of the oldest among other Irish varieties. They were molded as herders, farm dogs, and hunters and terminators of vermin, like the Cairns of Scotland. From Ireland, they were brought to the US in the year 1946. Slowly they gained popularity as pets and as entertainers. However, the extraordinary appeal of this breed to the Americans at present would not be possible if Patrick Blake did not save its lineage from extinction in1932. They were registered by the American Kennel Club in the year 1973. Though their types have hunter instincts, they can get along well with older children and other animals within the household through proper training and attention. Like most terriers, they easily develop close affinity with family members so they normally appoint themselves as watch or guard dogs. For professional breeders, why not appoint them as well as your pet especially when you are looking for a playful yet reliable companion and guard dog? To this effect, you can say that what you own is one heck of a doga dog that can work and play as well!
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Information about Welsh Terrier Dogs
Welsh terrier dogs were originally bred as hunting dogs. However, this native breed of Wales soon rose to become show dogs. Breeders attempted to outdo each other by developing the Welsh terrier dogs' wiry coats and coloration. People often take a Welsh terrier dog as a pet because it is one of the most mild-mannered of terriers. You might think that this characteristic would make it one of the more boring terriers. In fact, even the most die-hard terrier fan can have fun with this breed. This is because of the fact that Welsh terrier dogs love to play. This makes the Welsh terrier dog a great companion. Although not as high-energy as other breeds, this dog still is a terrier, which means that it still does contain some high levels of energy. Because of this, it is advised that they be given proper exercise regularly. Another good advice to follow is to properly socialize the dog at an early age. This would help the dog be friendlier towards humans and would help the dog to develop a good tolerance of other animals. It is generally friendly around children, provided that the children do not provoke or pester it too much. The Welsh terrier dog can be trained using different methods. What you need to keep in mind when training a Welsh terrier dog is that you can be firm but gentle. The Welsh terrier dog can be taught to perform a variety of tricks. This breed actually can do very well in fly ball tricks or tricks that involve catching flying things such as a Frisbee. You should brush a Welsh terrier dogs hair at least once a week in order to remove dead or loose hair. This would help prevent unnecessary shedding inside the house. Although regular bathing is not really required, it is advisable that you wipe off dust and dirt from your dog regularly using a damp washcloth. Because of its high energy level, it is advisable that a Welsh terrier dog be kept in a fenced in yard. This will give the dog enough space to play catch. However, if you take it out regularly to give it exercise, a Welsh terrier dog can do without the yard. One thing that always gets peoples attention is the Welsh terrier dogs excellent ability to jump. Because of this ability, it is sure to provide a lot of amusement to people. The main reason that it can jump and hop like it does is its long legs. It is because of these legs that a Welsh terrier dog can perform various tricks that other dog breeds are unable to do. Why do you need to know all these things about Welsh terrier dogs? First of all, understanding these facts will help you discover the best way to take care of a Welsh terrier dog. Understanding these facts will also allow you to decide whether a Welsh terrier dog will make the best pet for you. By learning all you can about Welsh terrier dogs, you get the knowledge necessary to provide the needs of your pet. This means that you will be able to develop a good, caring relationship with your pet. Of course, learning all that you can about Welsh terrier dogs is not really easy. But you need to remember that life sometimes requires sacrifices to be made.
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A Glimpse on the Various Types of Terrier Dogs
Whatever your dog preference is, you are sure to find terrier dogs among the candidates for a pal. Youll get energy you want with little grooming and added wit. Basically bred for hunting and killing vermin, Terrier dogs are now known to offer wide spectrum of features and characters that you might find lovable. They are not as cuddly as toy dogs (while there are some terrier dogs in the toy and companion dog brackets) and they may not be as intelligent like other breeds but they set off these lacks with various things that only they can offer. Let us discuss in brief some of the terrier dog types that you may find interesting: Less aggressive but definitely not timid. This best describes Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers. They are definitely alert and very spirited, but when the call for steadiness arrives, they are sure to show you some air of confidence and steady disposition. This dog type too is gifted with intelligence which makes them very responsive with obedience training. Parson Russell Terrier is a dog type that exhibits boldness, cleverness, affection and exuberant disposition. While many may find this a playful pal, it is still not advisable for everyone to take Parson Russell home. In fact, formal obedience training is a must for owners since this dog type is more likely to display mischievousness and too much playfulness that make this a very independent pet. For people with active lifestyles and those who can tolerate explorative disposition, this scamp is the best for you. The Norwich Terrier, on the other hand, is a type of dog that resulted from breeding small Terriers with other smaller breeds, possibly Yorkshire Terriers. Maintenance of Norwich Terrier is minimal and they are content with modest living quarters. They have active disposition though and can be affectionate and fearless. Additionally, they are also known to display stocky and happy personalities which make them ideal pals. Much like the Norwich Terriers, Norfolk Terriers are also well-spirited, fearless, charming and always ready for game. While both may have some similar physical characteristics, Norfolks can still be distinguished through their folds in the ears. Basically workman-like dogs, Kerry Blue Terriers are excellent watchdogs and work well in farm settings. This dog got its name from its blue-shade coat color which was originally black during puppyhood. Wire Fox Terriers are of great interest since they display power through its excellent endurance capabilities and speed. Alertness and quick movements are the dominant expressions of this dog type. It is advisable though that the owner trains this dog and should be given enough doses of daily exercises. Meanwhile, Smooth Fox Terriers are the frolic and lively types of dogs that are ideal in both country and city living. Displaying intelligence and cleverness, this dog makes good trainees and must be well credited by that. They are also likely to show great affection towards their owners. These are just some of the many terrier dog types that can be considered as your next pets. In general, this dog type has good dispositions and makes ideal home pets. While some may display obscure aggressiveness, this still does not negate the fact that most types have the capacity to develop affection and keen expression of their attachment to their owners. Be warned though that some dog types in this breed can be very playful and should be given enough amount of attention and time during obedience training and exercises.
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Training Your Silky Dog: A Terrier Anti-Terror Basics
It is essential to have a dog that knows how to follow the right rules and how to live around your house. To achieve this, dog training must be considered. Most people think that training a dog is hard and expensive. Moreover, dog training requires a lot of patience and creativity for your dog. We have to remember that dogs may be intelligent but they can not be as intelligent as us. The article provides some of the basic things dog owners need to know so they can do the training themselves. However, to maximize the full potential of your dog, a dog trainer should be hired instead. What are the differences between a submissive dog and a dominant dog? A submissive dog normally: avoids eye contact. rolls on its back. crouch down, ears back and tail lowered. is comfortable on its back in your arms. On the other hand, a dominant dog: maintains eye contact. is unwilling to move from his place on the couch. dislikes grooming and petting. is possessive of dishes and toys. Training your silky terriers requires kindness and consistency. Silkys respond actively to praises and to rewards. In addition, they become harsh and unresponsive towards punishments and animosity, respectively. Trainings with obedience classes can be intensely beneficial in petting your silky terriers. In many dog training schools, classes for puppies are available. Young dogs are taught to get accustomed with other dogs and people using limited trainings. However, there are areas that do not conduct formal obedience training unless the dog is at least half a year old. Always remember that a dog is never too old to benefit from training when a good trainer is available, or if the owner is fully committed to the task. Here are the recommended ways of training silky terriers: 1.Reiteration or Repetition Reiteration is the name of the dog training game. In here, dogs are asked to do a task over and over again to achieve mastery. Dog tricks are best learned when reiterated and reinforced through rewards. 2. Persistence Patience is a virtue that requires you to tolerate hardships. Persistence is trying to be patient for a longer time until a goal is achieved. Apparently, dog training requires a lot of persistence from the owner or from the trainer Physical and psychological aspects of the owner and/or the trainer must be sound. 3. Commendation and Amendation Simply put, if a dog does the right thing, it should be said aloud. Otherwise, the dog should hear, "No, that's not it!" when the trick is not complete or appropriate for the command given. These words reinforce correct responses and diminish the unwanted ones. 4. Rewarding Bits of cheese would really be good treats for dogs who responded correctly to a given command. Other food can be bought at pet sores. However, if you are able to get the respect of your pet, commands will be executed even if there are no longer involved treats. Likewise, these things reinforce warranted responses. If your lifestyle permits being in charge of training your own pet, you can do the training as long as you have gathered enough patience and commitment by: 1. spending time grooming your dog. 2. having regular training times on the leash. 3. stroking its belly and toes and rolling it on its back 4. hand feeding some food to ensure that the pet is taking treats gently and slowly. In asserting dominance, always practice consistency and firmness. Afterwards, you can be a master and a dear friend to your own pet.
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The Popular Pet and Lap Dog: Yorkshire Terrier
The Yorkshire terriers, or Yorkies, originated from Scotland but bred in England. They were molded to hunt rats, but nowadays they are popular as pets. In fact, their variety was one of the Top Dog Breeds of 2005. They usually grow being small and light varieties. Hence, owners do not mind having their pets on their lap almost all day. Moreover, this usual bonding activity usually transforms this lap dog into a bright, playful, and loyal companion pet. The following are some of the basic facts breeders would really love to know about Yorkies: Category: Toy (Terrier) Living Environment: indoors (highly recommended); outdoors (fenced yard) Coat: silky, glossy, long and fine; no undercoat Colors: black when young but they attain the colors tan and blue as they mature . Height: between 8 and 9 inches Weight: between 3 and 7 pounds Temperament: Naturally, they are territorial and like their privacy to be respected they are intelligent and fearless they are assertive and independent When properly trained, they develop close affinity with older children they become really playful and lively they become extremely affectionate they do not mind having other pets at home they focus much of their attention and affection toward their owner Breeders should note of the following health issues: Alopecia, or losing hair Cataract, or loss of transparency of one or both lenses of the eyes Cryptorchidism, wherein testicles do not descend into the scrotum Dwarfism Entropion, a disorder with the eyelid; lashes on the eyelid that irritate the eyeballs could lead to other complications Glaucoma, a condition that causes an increase pressure within the eye Hydrocephalus Keratoconjunctivitis sicca, or the reduction of tear production Low blood sugar Patellar luxation, a disorder in the kneecap Portosystemic shunt, or the accumulation of blood toxins in the liver Urolithiasis, an infection of the urinary tract leading to the formation of bladder stones. Care and Exercise: They require daily grooming. Ears and eyes must be cleaned and checked regularly. Dental hygiene must be regularly maintained. They are fit only for short strides. They should have a regular play time while lying under the sunbeams, chasing shadows, and joining tug-of-war. Origin/History: In the 19th century, a number of weavers from Scotland migrated to England and brought with them different terriers that were bred to hunt rats. Through time, these terriers were crossed and terriers with "broken hairs" were produced. In 1870, a "broken-haired Scotch terrier" was named as a Yorkshire terrier by a reporter. He argued that the breed should be called as such because his types were bred in a town called Yorkshire. Though the Yorkies were originally bred as working dogs, they became fashionable pets is England in the latter part of the Victorian era. In 1972, Yorkies were brought to the United States and became the country's favorite pet. You can say that the Yorkies developed into tough breeds because of their ancestors' reputation as rat-hunters. However, their size, and playful and bright character have actually captured the attention and affection of most pet owners. Most proud owners would boast that they have the great giants inside the bodies of these little dogs. If you want a small but terrible breed of dog, grab a Yorkie now! Just a friendly reminder, they would really need your attention and companionship than any other terriers.
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Some Facts about Silky Terrier Pet Dogs
Dogs have always been mans best friend. Nowadays, however, human-canine relations have been rather strained mainly because of apartment living. Many people today live in condominiums or apartment building where pets arent allowed. Because of this, people realize that they either need to get another place or to get one of the robot dogs that many companies are selling today. There is, however, an alternative many people today are getting toy pet dos like silky terriers. These toy dogs are the way to go if you want the warmth and companionship of a pet dog without the hassles. In this article, we are going to discuss the many virtues of having a silky terrier pet dog. One of the best characteristics of the silky terrier is its coat. If you have a silky terrier pet dog, the first thing you will notice about is the way that it coat shines. A silky terriers coat is actually where it gets the name from since its coat is straight and silky. One of the main reasons why dogs arent allowed in apartment buildings is because of fur shedding. Some dogs have the tendency to shed their coats and leave clumps of fur lying around the house. This can be very messy if not outright disgusting. One of the virtues of having a silky terrier pet dog is the fact that its coat really doesnt shed. This means that people can be sure that their pet dog does not leave a furry mess when it explores a room. Thus, your carpeting is safe from dog fur. Naturally alert and friendly, the silky terrier can make an excellent watchdog because of its terrier nature. It is friendly, but a silky terrier pet dog can be quite possessive with their family. It does not really like to be left alone for long periods of time and would behave their best when someone is always home with it. One thing you need to keep silky terriers as pet dogs is commitment. The coat of the silky terrier is prone to matting and tangles, which means that you need to brush it regularly. It also needs to be shampooed regularly in order to maintain the shine of the coat. Care should also be taken with the throat sine a silky terrier pet dog has especially sensitive trachea. You see how much attention a silky terrier pet dog requires? Training can also be quite a challenge since a silky terrier pet dog may be difficult to housebreak. People who own one agree that it takes a lot of energy to properly train a silky terrier pet dog. A silky terrier pet dog, however, will do well in training if a choke collar is not used. The trainer needs to be firm but just to the animal. A silky terrier pet dog can also be full of energy. This means that you need to constantly keep it occupied with activities. Boredom is one of the enemies of the silky terrier pet dog. It likes to be given the chance to run and play but it also is very suitable for an apartment. You also need to keep a silky terrier pet dog occupied socially. A silky terrier pet dog may be a handful, but it is perfect if you want a little ball of fun to keep you company.
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Why Own a Norfolk Terrier Dog as Pet
If you are planning to get a Norfolk terrier pet dog, here are some things you should know: The Norfolk terrier originated from England. It is actually very affectionate and does not exhibit a disagreeable nature. Because of this, many people like to keep them as pets. However, there can be quite some difficulty housetraining a Norfolk terrier pet dog. This is because of the fact that a Norfolk terrier pet dog can be quite stubborn. The best method recommended for this breed is crate training. What is crate training? Well, it involves training your Norfolk terrier pet dog to stay in a crate when it is left unsupervised. Used humanely, a crate can be a great den for your Norfolk terrier pet dog. This will help your Norfolk terrier pet dog when it needs some sort of privacy or alone time. This will also train your Norfolk terrier pet dog not to soil around the house. One advantage of crate training is the fact that you can be reassured that your pet will be safe even if it is left unsupervised. Traveling will also be much more comfortable, since your Norfolk terrier pet dog will have adjusted to his den. A Norfolk terrier pet dog does not naturally shed its fur. This fact has a good side and a bad side. On the good side, no shedding means no mess. This means that they can be kept indoors without risk of leaving fur on your floor. However, you do need to take your Norfolk terrier pet dog to a groomer twice a year in order to strip the coat. This is done in order to promote the growth of a new weather-resistant coat. In a sense, this allows your Norfolk terrier pet dog to freshen up. In order to properly care for the coat of your Norfolk terrier pet dog, you need to brush it at least twice a day. This will help get rid of tangles and prevent matting. Ideally, a Norfolk terrier pet dog should be kept in a place with a fenced yard so that it can have a large space to romp around. This is because of the fact that Norfolk terrier pet dogs thrive on activity. Boredom for this breed usually leads to destruction so you should try to keep it occupied. The best quality that a Norfolk terrier pet dog exhibits is the ability to get along with other pets. They also love children. This means that kids will have a lot of fun with a Norfolk terrier pet dog. You should be careful however, as Norfolk terrier pet dogs may perceive smaller animals as prey. One thing that may be admired in a Norfolk terrier pet dog is the fact that though it is not aggressive, it is generally a courageous breed. Because of this, a Norfolk terrier pet dog can make an excellent watchdog. Another factor that contributes to this is the fact that a Norfolk terrier pet dog is usually very alert and will bark immediately to alert the family. Before you get a Norfolk terrier pet dog, you need to make sure that you gather as much information as possible. By understanding the different aspects of the Norfolk terrier pet dog, you will make sure that you have the ability to care for one.
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A Dog in One Pack- Jack Russell Terrier
We basically want to find companions who would give us most of the benefits we think we need. Well, if you are looking for a dog that is somewhat a one-in-package pal, you might find Jack Russell Terriers interesting enough. This dog has a history that is somehow loomed to give rise to the specie. It was said that the breeder of this dog, a young Theologian student of Oxford University named John Russell once met a milkman with a white terrier that has spots on his eyes and ears. This dog became his interest which later proved to be his foundation for breeding a new dog breed that many has learned to love as pets. The dog he first saw was named "Trump" from which another 60 types of terriers were later bred from. With a terrier's basic nature to go on and over the ground (terrier by the way came from the Latin term "terra" which means earth), Jack Russell terriers also have the disposition to hunt and scour for hunting. Thus, they should be given enough grooming so as to set off the dirt they gather from digging soil to either bury a treasure or to recover a hidden treasure kept long ago. An excellent ratter, Jack Russell Terriers proves to be good "housekeepers" since they keep most rats away from home. Any unlucky rat that happens to be inside the quarters of this terrier is sure to meet its instant doom. Thus, owners find themselves with both a dog and cat in one pal. One basic character of this dog is its disposition towards strangers. They can easily figure out who must be kept away from their homes and who can be accepted inside the house. This very attitude also makes them good watchdogs. They were designed specifically to be aggressive on preys. And while they can be very vocal, many of them only barks when they find good reason to. They do not appear vicious though. But once they smell threat, they can show off aggressiveness that could serve as warning towards the strangers. However, once the stranger is let into the house by the owner, a Jack Russell can already tolerate his or her presence. This terrier is also a family dog and desires for human companionship. And their love for children is significantly interesting. However, once they are abused or had been shown improper treatments, may it be intentional or accidental, they can react through aggressive behaviors. Their aggressiveness is further manifested with their lack of fear towards larger dogs which can unfortunately lead to injuries, some can even be fatal. They are also marked for their intelligence and good spirit. These characteristics can be highly observable through their curiosity in things. Thus, they require supplementation on formal training unless you can tolerate difficult behaviors. The good thing though with Jack Russell is that it can acknowledge training and do well in most of them. In fact, they are known to champion various ring shows and other similar competitions. The Hollywood has recognized the disposition of these dogs too. Coupled with feisty and good physical characteristics, this pal has already made names in the screens. If Wishbone, Milo (from The Mask) and Eddie (from the Frasier) ring the bell on you then there is no doubt that you can recognize this dog. Jack Russell fair well with grooming. A dog of relatively small size, this breed will not tax you with grooming needs.
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The Dog of the Highlands: West Highland White Terrier
At around 1700s, the Isle of Skye and other highlands in Scotland were already producing lots of small terriers. Scottish breeds were separated into two: the Skye terriers and the Dandie Dinmont terriers. The Dandie Dinmonts were categorized as a separate breed. The Skyes included the Scotties, the Cairns and the West highland white terriers or the Westies. It was also noted that these terriers were the hybrids among the crossed Cairns, Scottish, and Dandies terriers. One could assume that the hybrid would really be loyal and its hunting instincts could not be belittled. In fact, many royalties in Scotland owned terriers that were very similar to the Westies of today. Another remarkable story is about a Westie that stopped a mother from constantly yelling at her daughter. Every time the mother would yell at her teenage daughter, the Westie would attack the mother. The aggression of the dog got worse over the years that resulted in the mother's complete inability to scold her teenager. It turned out that the girl was actually rewarding the dog for his protection by calming and soothing him down after every "threat" from her mother. Many would perceive that the daughter was able to help her mother to change her ways when in fact she was helping herself by rewarding the dog for its behavior. The following are some of the basic facts breeders would really love to know about Westies: Category: Terrier Living Environment: indoors (highly recommended); outdoors (fenced yard) Coat: about two-inch coarse and wiry outer coat and soft, dense, and furry undercoat Color: white Height: between 10 and 12 inches Weight: between 13 and 22 pounds Temperament: Naturally, they like to bark and dig they are not as willful like most terriers they love companionship When properly trained they can become fairly friendly towards strangers they develop close affinity with behaved children they love to chase cats but they do not hurt them they can become a very good watch dog they can become very lively Breeders should note of the following health issues: Chronic skin problems Perthe's disease (hip problems) Jawbone calcification Cranio mandibular osteopathy (lion jaw) Patella luxation, a disorder in the kneecap Liver ailments Deafness Congenital heart disease Care and Exercise: Their coat should be brushed regularly using a brush with stiff bristles. They should bathe only when necessary. Their whole coat should be stripped at least twice a year and trimmed every four months. The fur on the eyes and ears should be trimmed using blunt-nose mirrors. They will surely be more agile and healthy after regular sessions of play and/or walk. Origin/History: As noted, they share the same lineage with Cairns and Scotties (from Skye terriers), and even with the Dandies. This trio was developed in the Isle of Skye, which was one of the highlands in Scotland. It was noted that white whelps were chosen from the wiry-coated Cairns, Scotties, and Dandies to produce the variety that were known as Poltalloch terriers. Following are some items in the history that show the Westies' reputation of being owners' favorite companion dogs. Records in the history mentioned that around 1620, King James 1 of England requested some small white dogs from Argyleshire in Scotland. Colonel Malcolm, who was considered as the originator of Poltalloch terriers, that are very similar to the Westies of today, accidentally shot his terrier (a dark one). From then on he vowed to have only white terriers. In the 19th century, terriers that were very similar to the Westies were known as Roseneath terriers in honor of Duke of Argyll's interest and patronage of this breed. Roseneath was the name of his estate at Dumbartonshire. In the first-ever dog show that were organized in the late 1800s, the Westies were called as White Scottish terriers. In 1904, they were classified under the name West Highland White terriers. During the mid-1900s, breeders of the Cairns in Argyll, Scotland selected white puppies from the stock and interbreed some to obtain white Cairns. However, in 1917, the American Kennel Club ruled that Cairns could be listed if they have the Westies' lineage. We can say the history repeats itself for this delightful terrier is now mostly a favorite companion dog of many households.
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The Playful and Inquisitive Dog: Cairn Terrier
The Cairn is assumed as one of the subcategories of Scotlands terriers along with the Westies (West Highland White) and the Scottish, The Westies and the Cairns are highly related. For one, Westies are hybrids of white dogs crossed with Cairns of western Scotland. The Westie can be considered as the white variety of the Cairn who has a coat of any color but white. Scotties, however, have longer heads and bodies, have generally dark coats and are aloof than the other two. These dogs originated from the short-haired Skyes. Cairn is the smallest breed among the terrier group. The name Cairn was coined after the small stone piles that marked borders of Scottish farms and graves. During the early times, this breed was used to guide small animals into these piles of stones. However, cairns are strong and sturdy but are not heavy. This dog was already present during the 1500s even before it became popular in 1930, after the appearance of Toto in The Wizard of Oz as Dorothys companion dog. Presently, like the American pit bull terriers, Cairns are used as companion dogs. Among the varietys talents are tracking, watching over the house, hunting, and performing tricks and sports regarding competitive obedience. The following are some of the basic facts breeders would really love to know about Cairns: Category: Terrier Living Environment: indoors (highly recommended); outdoors (fenced yard) Coat: shaggy and coarse outer coat and short and soft furry undercoat Colors: any color except white Height: between 9.5 and 10 inches Weight: between 13 and 14 pounds Temperament: like most terriers that were bred as hunters, these dogs are mischievous, alert, restless and high-spirited; also have a special connection with children age six and above Breeders should note of the following health issues: Atopy, a type of allergy Cataract, or loss of transparency of one or both lenses of the eyes Cryptorchidism, wherein testicles do not descend into the scrotum Glaucoma, a condition that causes an increase pressure within the eye Patellar luxation, a disorder in the kneecap Care and Exercise: Daily brushing is recommended to prevent tangles and mats. Hair around ears and eyes must be trimmed regularly. Do not over feed them as they gain weight easily. Their physique requires a regular exercise routine which includes a daily play time while on leash. They should be on leash while walking in public places because of their hunting instincts. Origin/History: As already noted, the Cairns were existent since around the 1500s. At around 1700s, the Isle of Skye and other highlands in Scotland were already producing lots of small terriers. Scottish breeds were separated into two: the Skye terriers and the Dandie Dinmont terriers. The Dandie Dinmonts were categorized as a separate breed. The Skyes included the Scotties, the Westies, and the Cairns. In the year 1912, the Cairns receive their official name based on their excellent ability to hunt down vermin such as otters, foxes, and badgers that were hiding in cairns. However, it was in the year 1913 when they received the official recognition from the American Kennel Club. The Cairn terrier is one heck of an agile little dog that is very appropriate for the whole family. This breed is playful, prying, and is always ready to join the fun. If you are still not convinced, just reckon how Dorothy was entertained and accompanied by this type of dog.
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Some Information Regarding Cairn Terrier Pet Dogs
If you are thinking of getting a Cairn terrier pet dog, then you need to know some information about it first. Why? Well, knowing the right information about anything will help you in the long run. This is especially true when we are talking about a pet ownership. Before you get a Cairn terrier pet dog, you need to be sure that you know what you are getting yourself into. You need to know how to take proper care of your cairn terrier pet dog and you also need to know what to expect when you are getting one. Thankfully, there are a lot of sites on the internet which can provide you the necessary information. To save you some time, however, here are the basics: Originally bred in the Scottish highlands, the Cairn terrier is the smallest of all terrier breeds. You should not let the size deceive you when you are getting a Cairn terrier pet dog, however. The Cairn terrier was first bred because of its working ability. You know what this means? This means energy. A Cairn terrier pet dog has a lot of energy to spare. They can gain a lot from taking brisk walks daily. However, you should know that they do best when they have a fenced-in yard to play in. This way, they get more room when they play. Their high energy also means that they arent really suitable for apartment or condo living. If you live in such places, then having a Cairn terrier pet dog is not for you. Their energy may also put them in danger. This is the reason why you need to make sure that a Cairn terrier pet dog stays in one area. Their natural instincts tell them to dig and run and these activities may lead to accidents if unsupervised. There are, however, a lot of positive things that can be said about a Cairn terrier pet dogs energy. For one thing, it makes the dog fun to play with. It can play for hours on end, giving you the companionship that you want. Another positive with this energy is the fact that this energy can be channeled into good purposes. A Cairn terrier pet dog is naturally inquisitive and is always willing to participate in a new adventure. This means that a Cairn terrier pet dog can be easily taught to do tricks. They learn tricks very fast and thrive in obedience training. You need to make sure that your Cairn terrier pet dog is trained properly since untrained ones have a tendency to be destructive when they are bored. Let us talk about the proper care for a Cairn terrier pet dog. One thing you do not need to worry about is its coat. The Cairn terrier pet dog was not bred for the beauty of its coat. The coat of a Cairn terrier pet dog is weather resistant and sheds little to no fur. Because of this, it can be a great indoor pet. Being the smallest of terrier breeds, however, makes Cairn terrier pet dogs especially vulnerable to various health problems. Care must be taken when feeding it as it can gain weight quite rapidly. A Cairn terrier pet dog is also especially sensitive to fleas. However, you can be sure that this is one of the best breeds around.
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Finding Boston Terrier Dogs for Sale
People think that finding Boston terrier dogs for sale would be a very easy task. However, people need to know that theres more to finding Boston terrier dogs for sale than looking in the phone book or in the classified ads. For one thing, the breeder often reflects the quality of the pet. Today, many of the Boston terrier dogs for sale are bred by puppy farms which exist solely to breed and sell pet dogs. These puppy farms are profit-oriented and are therefore natural breeding grounds for animal cruelty. It is often the case that the puppies born in these farms are taken away from their mothers as soon as they are big enough to sell. They are often malnourished as a result of the cost-cutting methods of these farms. When you are trying to find Boston terrier dogs for sale, you need to look for a breeder who genuinely cares for the animals. This will assure you that the animal is well taken care of and will survive more than a few weeks in your care. Another reason to look for this type of Boston terrier dogs for sale is genetics. When you buy from a puppy farm, all the owner cares about is the profits. As long as a puppy looks good enough to be sold, it is sold. A great dog breeder, however, knows that breeding goes far beyond determining the appearance of a dog. When you are looking for Boston terrier dogs for sale, you need to look for a breeder who knows that breeding also determines the temperament of a dog. When you go looking for Boston terrier dogs for sale, you need to find a pet that would suit your temperament. While a low-class breeder would tell you to buy a dog because the puppy looks cute, a great dog breeder would tell you to buy a specific dog because it fits your personality. When looking for Boston terrier dogs for sale, you need to find a seller who does not ask you how much you are willing to pay but asks you what your qualifications are. When you are looking for Boston terrier dogs for sale, you need to find a breeder who will not push the dog towards you but will truly take the time to know if you are fit to own a dog. When you are looking for Boston terrier dogs for sale, you need to look for a seller who would be willing to take back the dog if you somehow neglect it. Do not go for sellers who will exchange the puppy for cash and then walk away. A great breeder will leave you with a way to contact him or her in case you change your mind. Another way to find the best kinds of Boston terrier dogs for sale is to look for the proper documentation. Often, true breeders will be able to provide pedigrees that can trace back the lineage of a puppy. Through this, you know that you are buying the best. Looking for Boston terrier dogs for sale may seem like a daunting task at first, but with the right attitude and information, you should be able to get the best puppy for you. By following the tips in this article, you can make hunting for Boston terrier dogs for sale the best thing you have ever done.
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Rescue Canine-1-1: Boston Terrier Dog Rescue
The following article provides some questions most people are assumed ask about the organization and its endeavors. Answers are provided after each question. Just what is Boston Terrier Rescue? This is an association devoted to housing abandoned or unwanted Boston terriers. They set emergency rescues and conducts appropriate adoption of these terriers to their permanent homes. However, the network does not house Boston terriers that are already in poor health, aggressive, old, and/or are disease-carriers since they will not be even suitable for adoption afterwards. The least the BTR will do is to advise the owners of such terriers on better options. Why are these dogs being rescued? Most dogs that are rescued by the network were simply unwanted. Most owners would admit that they were unable to provide their pets with the attention, time, and level of activity that are appropriate for this lovely little dog to thrive and be healthy. There were cases when life situations or jobs made it hard for the owners to keep their pets with them. They considered the abandonment of the terriers as the easy or even sole option. Can the adopted dog be used for breeding? The association will definitely disapprove of the idea! In fact, they firmly advise every new owner to have the dog strictly as pets. As part of the placement process, Bostons are being spayed or neutered to avoid reproduction. Moreover, most of the rescued terriers are not excellent strains of the breed standard. More often, they do not have a record of ancestry or pedigree that can be consulted before the breeding process. May I adopt a female terrier? Most Boston terriers that are being abandoned are males aging between two and six since most owners think that the female variety is more affectionate. Surprisingly, the male variety is a responsive and sweet companion given proper attention and care. However, since all rescued Bostons are spared as breeders, the gender of the dog should not matter at all during the adoption. Appropriate placement shall be executed by BTR. Is there a charge if an owner surrenders a Boston? There are owners who volunteer themselves of paying their dogs' medical requirements, which also include spaying or neutering. Likewise, donations assist in the expenditures that cover the dogs' preparations for placement in a new home and with a new owner. If I adopt a dog, will I be charged for it? Apparently, owning a dog requires the owner to be financially capable for health care expenditures and even for the registry of Bostons. How does the adoption process happen? The procedure can be summarized as follows: 1.Screening a.BT Rescue filters potential owners by filling out extensive application papers for adoption. b.Possible owners' financial capability and lifestyle are being researched by the network. c.Application forms are screened between 7 and 10 days. 2.Approval/Disapproval a.Once the application is approved, a dog that is available at the time shall be presented to its new owner. b.Otherwise, the application shall be placed on a waiting list. If circumstances make the application possible, the new owner is notified later on. What must be done to help? The answer depends on the clientele. 1.For Breeders Breeders are advised not to sell their Boston Terrier to anyone if the new home will be inappropriate. Instead, have good homes reserved for them and plan litters. Also, if breeders do not have a competent and proper breeding program, reproduction should be avoided. 2.For everyone else Be informed about the special nature and various mental and physical requirements of Boston Terrier. Then educate others about these things. It should be made clear to everyone that Bostons do not fit the lifestyle of just anyone and everyone. If possible, look for breeds that may warrant a new shelter. Moreover, donations are greatly appreciated for they usually assist in the placement process of the dogs. BTR runs entirely on the dedication of volunteers. Report an unwanted Boston. Rescue an abandoned canine! Dial Rescue Canine-1-1!
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Some Facts about the Boston Bull Terrier Dog
The Boston terrier is a well-muscled and compact breed. This is not really surprising since the Boston terrier was first bred by people who wanted to use them in dog fights. Now some people may read all sorts of implications from such a violent past. Some people might think that the Boston terrier dog would make a bad pet because of its aggressive nature. However, you should know that as a pet, the Boston terrier can actually be pretty mild mannered. The temperament of the Boston terrier can be described as enthusiastic as it often loves to play. Most people comment that the Boston terrier actually has a great sense of humor. Another characteristic that people find delightful with this breed is the fact that they are intelligent and are very much easily trained. This fact is also enhanced by the dogs natural curiosity and love for learning. Of course, people who own pets know the importance of training. Having a well-behaved pet increases the enjoyment for you both. Having a well-behaved pet means that you can have more fun with that pet. One thing that owners have noticed with a Boston terrier is the fact that it can be very sensitive to the tone of a persons voice. This may be described as a sort of emotion detector. Because of this sensitivity to the tone, a Boston terrier will be able to respond to how you are feeling when you are talking. This means, however, that you need to take care when training your dog. You need to make sure that anger and frustration do not find their way into your voice. They also make excellent watchdogs as they do not bark indiscriminately. This means that you wont wake up in the middle of the night because your Boston terrier saw a butterfly. There are some cases, though, when a Boston terrier will not bark at all. Regarding the living conditions, Boston terriers can do well enough without a yard as long as they get regular exercise. This means that they are suitable for apartment living. However, you should also know that they are very sensitive to the extremes of weather. This means that you should keep it in a place thats neither too hot nor too cold. Unlike other terrier breeds, the Boston terrier is an average shedder. This means that you should be wary of keeping it indoors as it can shed fur over your floor. We all know how much of a fiasco that can be. Bostons have a variety of common health problems. They easily get overheated when they are pushed too hard. As said before, they can also be sensitive to extreme weather and any weather thats too hot or too cold can leave them with breathing difficulties. Skin tumors and heart tumors are very common with this breed. So you need to bring the dog to a vet regularly. Another disorder you should watch out for is a skull defect. If a Boston terrier is badly bred, it often develops a bone defect that prevents the brain from growing. This, naturally, will lead to a retarded dog.
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Major Concerns with a Border Terrier
If you want to have a small but sturdy pet dog, then the Border terrier might be for you. This pet is no delicate lapdog. The Border terrier pet dog is full of fun for the whole family. Before getting a Border terrier pet dog, however, you might want to consider some of the major concerns regarding the breed. This will help you weigh the pros against the cons and will let you reach a decision that would be best for you. Here are some concerns regarding Border terrier pet dogs: 1) Temperament when people talk about terriers, they all comment on the same behavior using different words. Some people say that their dogs are feisty. Some say that their dogs are stubborn. Some people would prefer to use the word impulsive. The point is, they all describe the same behavior. A terrier is inherently dynamic in its behavior. It is part of what makes a terrier, a terrier. The temperament of the Border terrier pet dog may be quite surprising, if not outright shocking for most people because of its size. For such a small dog, a Border terrier pet dog sure packs a lot of energy. 2) Aggression - Border terrier pet dogs are not really as aggressive as other breeds. However, its instincts as a terrier would still urge it to run after anything smaller than it. This means that if you own a cat or even a pet rabbit, you cannot have a Border terrier pet dog. This also means that you cannot trust a Border terrier pet dog out of its leash. If it even sees something running, it will take off, leaving you yelling uselessly. This, of course, can cause accidents to happen. In order to make sure that your Border terrier pet dog does not get hit by a car, you need to keep that pet on a leash outside. 3) Escape it is recommended by many experts that Border terrier pet dogs should be kept in a fenced-in yard to let it have some roaming space while making sure that it is safe. However, you should know that Border terrier pet dogs are clever escape artists. Even if a Border terrier pet dog is within a closed in fence, you should try to keep an eye on it. 4) The noise - Border terrier pet dogs will bark at practically anything that catches their attention. Because of this, you need to properly train them to bark only when needed. You should also be quick to stop them if they are barking inappropriately. For this reason, you should not really get a Border terrier pet dog if you live with very close neighbors and if you work during the day. An unsupervised Border terrier pet dog is sure to keep barking all day long. This, of course, may draw complaints from your neighbors. 5) Independent thinking what people love about Border terrier pet dogs is the fact that they can learn very quickly. This is because of their inherent curiosity and toughness. However, the same qualities that make them prize-winners can also make them very stubborn when they want to. You have to be consistent with your commands and show the Border terrier pet dog that you mean what you say. In doing so, you will be training the Border terrier pet dog properly.
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The Scruffy Little Hunter Dog: Border Terrier
The Border terrier got its name from the area called Cheviot Hills, which is actually near the border of England and Scotland. This is where these dogs were made to attack and terminate predatory foxes. They have wiry coat that is why they normally appear as scruffy. However, this scruffiness is an attention-grabber that is why owners do not forget to hug their little ball of energy. The following are some of the basic facts breeders would really love to know about Borders: Category: Terrier Living Environment: indoors (highly recommended); outdoors (fenced yard) Coat: wiry and short; double coated Colors: tan, red, grizzle and tan, and/or blue and tan Height: between 11 and 16 inches Weight: between 11 and 16 pounds Temperament: Naturally, they are scruffy, hard and bold hunters they are active as puppies but mellow down as they mature they are not friendly with rabbits, rats, hamsters, and even birds they are economical to feed their activity die down when left alone all day as they really love to please people especially their owners When properly trained, they can get along with the household cats but not with cats in the neighborhood they may even catch a burglar they may lose timidity when accustomed to active environments Breeders should note of the following health issues: Canine Epileptoid Cramping Syndrome or CES, also called as "Spike's disease", which is a hereditary, neurological, metabolic and muscle disorder that is sometimes confused with canine epilepsy Cataract, or loss of transparency of one or both lenses of the eyes Cryptorchidism, wherein testicles do not descend into the scrotum Deafness Skin problems and a few skin allergies Care and Exercise: Their coat needs weekly brushing. They should be professionally groomed at least twice a year. They should bathe only when necessary since they shed little to no hair. Their physique requires a regular exercise routine which includes a daily play time while on leash. They should be on leash while walking in public places because of their hunting instincts. Origin/History: The exact origins of Border terriers are obscure but many breeders accepted the story that the variety was developed in the Cheviot Hills area, which is near the border of Scotland and England. The Borders have been used as hunters of rabbits and hares. They can even keep up with running horses with their short yet sturdy legs. They were also used by farmers to lure predatory foxes into their dens before killing them. They were also trained to hunt otters, marten, and even fierce badgers. Like most terriers that were once molded as hunters, they also evolved as pets and became lovely, friendly, and loyal companion dogs. They also take part in dog shows and they can easily grab their audience attention with their agility, appearance, and bright disposition. The breed was registered by the British Kennel Club in 1920 and by the American Club ten years after. At present, Borders are highly favored as companion dogs and pets due to their adaptability, friendliness, and winning personality. Nonetheless, they can be reliable when it comes to tracking down vermin. In fact, some of their esteemed talents include hunting, guarding the family, and performing tricks and sports that require competitive obedience. Like most terriers, you can be rest assured to have a loyal and bright companion dogs if you give your attention and affection to a Border. You can be sure that they can definitely drive away your bore!
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Some Information Regarding the Kerry Blue Terrier Pet Dog
The Blue Kerry terrier pet dog is one of the most mysterious breeds of terriers. This is because of the fact that even though the breed has been known by the Irish for at leas 150 years, nobody really knows where they came from or how they were first bred. Various legends are told in order to explain the appearance of the Kerry blue terrier breed. Some say that the peasants bred them for hunting purposes since noblemen monopolized the use of wolfhounds. Thus, noblemen hunted with their wolfhounds while peasants poached with their Kerries. Another legend speaks of a wrecked Russian ship that contained a blue dog. This dog swam into Irish shores and there, mated with the local terrier population. This, of course, started the genetic pool of blue Kerry terriers. Whatever the case, the blue Kerry terrier sure has a colorful history. It started as a working dog, helping hunters bring in prey. It would also be trained as a police dog by the English. Today, it is considered to be one of the best breeds of dogs that one can own. This is in part of its excellent abilities as a watchdog. One thing that is so cool about owning a Blue Kerry terrier pet dog is the fact that this breed is adaptable to every situation. It can be a hardworking hunters dog. It can become the vigilant watchdog. If you want companionship, it can also provide that. People who are fortunate to have a Blue Kerry terrier pet dog even say that once you are a Kerry lover, you are forever a Kerry lover. There are some terrier characteristics which may cause a bit of trouble for your dog. Like all terriers, the Blue Kerry terrier pet dog can get into fights with other dogs. In order to prevent this, you need to make sure that the Blue Kerry terrier pet dog is properly socialized. Usually this is done by the breeder. Most people, when they are getting a pet often ask the question of whether or not a pet can be housebroken easily. Thankfully enough, the Blue Kerry terrier pet dog has a disposition that is easily house trained. The Blue Kerry terrier pet dog is actually quite eager to learn. This means that you will be able to train it very quickly. Although a Blue Kerry terrier can become an excellent playmate for children, it must be taken that the children do not show any cruelty to the dog. The Blue Kerry terrier is also one of the more hardy types of terriers. This is because the Blue Kerry terrier has very few genetic problems. Before buying one, however, you need to ask for eye certifications and hip x-rays. These are the most commonly afflicted parts of the Blue Kerry terrier. A Blue Kerry terrier is not really for everyone. Some people may find it a bit too playful. Some people may not really get used to the Blue Kerry terriers curiosity. People may not really understand its habit of following everyone around. Today, the fate of the Blue Kerry terrier dog lies in the hands of the breeders who care for them, nurture them, and make sure that they have great homes to stay in.
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Some Tips for Keeping Your Airedale Terrier Pet Dog Well-Behaved
Some Tips for Keeping Your Airedale Terrier Pet Dog Well-Behaved Here are some tips you can use to keep your Airedale terrier pet dog well-behaved: 1) Cant teach an old dog You have to start training your Airedale terrier pet dog as early as possible. This is because of the fact that the earlier an Airedale terrier pet dog learns a trick, the faster they will be able to learn it. This doesnt just apply to tricks. It also applies to general behavior. When your Airedale terrier pet dog is still just a puppy, you need to start training it. This way, the behavioral training that you give it will be ingrained into the Airedale terrier pet dogs brain. This way, proper behavior becomes almost instinctive to the Airedale terrier pet dog. 2) Use, dont abuse Various training methods are made available for you by various experts. However, theres one thing you should know: they only work with proper use. Some people make use of the leash or of the crate to abuse their animals. What you need to know is that each method of training can only be effective if used in a way that will not harm the animals. You need to be firm but gentle with your animal when you are trying to train it. Use the various implements humanely in such a manner that will encourage your dog to behave well and not scare it from behaving badly. 3) Habit inside, habit outside Before taking your Airedale terrier pet dog outside, try to observe its behavior inside. This will give you a clue as to how the Airedale terrier pet dog will act outside the house. Many people say that a dogs behavior inside a house is very different from the way that the same dog will act in outside environments. This is not true. By observing the inside behavior of your Airedale terrier pet dog, you will realize how it will respond to you outside. If your Airedale terrier pet dog does not listen to your commands inside the house, how can you expect it to listen to your commands outside the house where there are things a lot more interesting to a dog than your commands are? 4) Keep your temper Training an Airedale terrier pet dog can understandably be very frustrating. However, you should not lose your temper. Negative actions such as hitting or shouting at your dog will not accomplish anything positive. Sometimes, we have a tendency to take out our frustrations on helpless pets. Do not blame your problems on the dog. If you know that you are having a bad day, do not even think about training your dog. All that you might get from the ordeal is a bad case of hyperacidity. Your dog will learn nothing and that would only increase your frustration. 5) Timing Timing is always important. You need to make corrections regarding your Airedale terrier pet dogs behavior while those corrections are still relevant. If you praise or correct with the wrong timing, you would only end up confusing the dog. Actually, the best timing you can use is to correct the Airedale terrier pet dog before he or she even starts to misbehave. These five tips can help you a lot in keeping your Airedale terrier pet dogs behavior in check. By following these tips, you can make training your dog an easy task.
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The Loyal Working Companion Dog: American Pit Bull Terrier
This breed of dog, also fondly called as APBT, is known for its loyalty and intelligence. The dogs with this breed make excellent companions since they are very aggressive because of their protective nature. How, then, are they different from the Staffies? For the UKC or the United Kennel Club, Staffies and APBT are of the same breed but many disapprove of this suggestion. For instance, if the American Kennel Club has an American Staffordshire terrier, it will be registered as an American pit bull terrier by the United Kennel Club. Furthermore, many breeders noted that their lineages have been separate for a long time already for these dogs to be still considered as having the same variety. Meanwhile, the American Kennel Club does not register a UKC-listed American pit as an American Staffie. In order to gain dual-registry, the dog must initially be recorded as an AKC American Staffie before it can be listed with the UKC as an American pit bull, and not the other way around. The following are some of the basic facts breeders would really love to know about APTBs: Category: Terrier Living Environment: either outdoor or indoor Coat: smooth, shiny, thick, and short Colors: color varies Height: between 18 and 22 inches Weight: between 30 and 60 pounds Temperament: courageous, full of energy, and loyal; should be socialized early on with other animals especially with children Health Issues: heart murmurs and mange Care and Exercise: Bathe when necessary. Brush their coat only occasionally using a brush with firm bristles. Rub down their coat with a towel or a chamois to remove hairs that are loose. Their physique requires a regular exercise routine which includes a daily play time and/or running along a bicycle while on a leash. They should be on leash while walking in public places. Origin/History: The ancestors of APBT came to the US in the mid-1800s with some Irish-Boston immigrants. Like the Staffie, they were originally bred from bulldogs and terriers. Since APBT is a forerunner to the Staffie, it was also molded to be a fighting dog. However, the Americans made their variety some pounds heavier and trained them to have a more powerful head. Bull baiting and dog baiting were prohibited in England so bull terriers were no longer bred for bouts. It is in America where the pit bull also gained its popularity for many uses and reasons like: 1.It was used to embody the country in one WW1 artwork. 2.Well-known companies like the Buster Brown Shoe Company and even RCA used the breed as mascots. 3.Petie, a pitbull, was one of the stars in, Our Gang, a well sought childrens TV series. 4.A mix breed called Stubby was transformed into a popular and decorated WW1 hero. 5.Pits became good companies of pioneer families on their journeys. 6.Jack, a working pit bulldog was owned by Laura Wilder of lines of books called Little House. 7.Popular people like Helen Keller and US President Theodore Roosevelt owned the variety. Here is some history about the cause of dilemma regarding the registries of APBTs. In 1898, the United Kennel Club or UKC was structured to provide fighting guidelines and registration for APBT as fighting dogs. Later, there were breeders who shun away from dog fighting so they asked the AKC to recognize their pits so they would be fit for performance events like dog shows. In 1935, the AKC approved of their petitions but the dogs were registered as Staffordshire Terriers, naming them after the little province in England that the breed was known to have originated from. Thus, many breeders have dogs that have dual-registry. It is interesting to note that Petie, which was one of the stars in the, Our Gang TV series was the first breed that was dual-registered to be Staffordshire Terrier/Pit Bull. However, the UKC later started registering other performing-type varieties and they also began holding dog shows comparable to those of the American Kennel Club. The AKC soon sealed its studbooks to APBTs. They allocated registration to those pit breeds with lineages that are listed as Staffies. For a little time during the 1970s, the AKC disclosed the American pits to their studbooks. In 1973, the American KC decided to add the word "American" with the pits name to discriminate it from a Staffie. At present, those dogs with mixed APTB-StaffIe parents are recognized by UKC and even the American Dog Breeders Association as American pits or American pit bull terriers. Nowadays, the pit has employed as search and rescuers, police/armed service dogs, livestock workers, and even as therapy animals because they are good as companions and working dogs. Moreover, the variety can even compete in dog sports such as herding, obedience, and conformation, French Ring, and Schutzhund. Breeds of this type can be very loving as pets for everyone. The physical demands and harshness of various activities developed a healthy, strong, and stable animal. If you want to have an APBT as a pet, be sure that the puppy is handled well and properly socialized. A solid and good training will surely produce an obedient, tranquil, and good companion or even a working dog!
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Computer-Aided Scrapbooking
There are infinite options for scrapbooking. It is just up to you on how beautiful your scrapbook will look when finished. Older generations have done theirs using the basic art materials available even to schoolchildren. But now in the digital age, computers will change the look of scrapbooks. Today, it is almost impossible to achieve anything without the use of computers. If magazines are not available to make up for a desired text to go along with the concept, graphics editors can do everything. The only requirement is the skill to do it. Computer is the best tool for scrapbooking in the 21st century. How can computers aid in pre-designing each page of your scrapbook. Here are the pointers on how to use the best-known scrapbooking tool. USE COMPUTER SOFTWARE: Third party scrapbooking softwares commonly used around have ready-made pages to choose from. If the designs are satisfactory, why buy from books stores if you can print your own? Of course, the printing itself may cost, but using softwares, the designs can even be enhanced. These image-ready applications are very user-friendly and designed for people who don't have too much skill in primitive graphics design. HELP YOURSELF WITH POPULAR GRAPHIC ARTS EDITOR: If you find other ready-made designs from applications too impersonal, then you can do your own with the aid of graphic arts software. You can scan your old picture or take a shot with digital camera, make layouts from different backgrounds, combine multiple photos from your collection, and adjust how it will look on your page. Graphic Arts Editors have built in good fonts to choose from. In this case, you can use any to satisfy your design liking. For professional outcome, this is only applicable to those who have the skill to use the editor. People whose works are inclined to digital arts have the advantage for creating very modern scrapbooks. Graphic Arts Editor can enhance photos, correct lens errors, clean dust/specks, blur and sharpen images, change the color and many other corrective measures. PRINTED FINISH There are ways of accomplishing scrapbooks with the aid of computer printers. You can start a semi-finished scrapbook with bordered boxes for photos, or you can do a complete printable scrapbook with no more mess. In other words, you can print a designer page or the complete digital scrapbook. What comes along is the choice of paper to use. Specific inkjet paper with varying thickness, surface and texture can be accommodated by branded printers. The scrapbook can be printed double-sided or one-sided. RESOLUTION When complexities started with computers, the most important aspect in doing printed materials with computer starts with resolutions. If the user is not so familiar on resolution behavior seen on screens versus the printed output, then it is the time to start asking an expert and have some background info on how it can affect the print from the start of the layout. For people with background on graphic arts, this is still not an average issue. It is a very crucial one in order to have the best print using a specified appropriate paper. In conclusion, scrapbooking must adhere with modernization. The greatest advantage of using computer as basic tool is the capability to back up the file and keep it for future printing. Or even if you have done a conventional scrapbook, computers still can manage the scanning and reproduction of scrapbooks.
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Utilizing the Right Avenues for Scrapbooking
When we first think of embarking on the project of scrapbooking we immediately think about the materials that we will need to get the job done. The usual materials that come to mind are the actual scrapbook or the scrapbooking paper and the binder that will keep our scrapbook pages orderly and intact. Then of course, one may think of the photographs or snapshots to be used along with other elements or "scraps" that will be used to enhance to the photos to be able to tell a story. Certainly, great care will be taken in the considering what types of scrapbooking materials will be purchased. For instance, only acid-free materials will be used in the making of the scrapbook to ensure that the stories and memories recounted by the scrapbook project will remain intact and safe throughout the years. After you have all the scrapbooking materials that you can think of like the scrapbook paper and binder, scrapbooking stickers and other scrapbooking items along with the snapshots to be used and some personal effects to enhance your layout, you're pretty much set to begin on the wonderful endeavor of your scrapbooking project right? Wrong. Seldom thought of in the preparation for a scrapbooking project is the scrapbooking table. While you can use any surface to work on your scrapbooking project, it would be very ideal to have your own craft or scrapbooking table to be able to have the best output from your scrapbooking work. After all, your computer has its own desk and the television set has it's own stand too. You might as well get a scrapbooking table that can be totally devoted to your scrapbook work. The difference between having a scrapbooking table and using just any surface for your project is that a scrapbooking table is made specifically for that task and it will have the proper ergonomics that is needed to be able to do your scrapbooking projects comfortably. It will also have the proper storage for all the scrapbooking materials and knick knacks that may be otherwise lost or damaged in any other type of storage. What's more, the scrapbooking table can be easily fitted with a scrapbooking lamp to allow you great visibility way into the night. Another benefit to having a scrapbooking table is that you can rest assured that you will go undisturbed while you work on your project. There will be no having to set your materials and project aside to make room for dishes if in case you use the family table as the surface area to work your scrapbook on. If you work on the floor, you won't have to constantly make room or get in the way of people passing if you have your own scrapbooking table. The best part is, it is not difficult to get a scrapbooking table. These are available from usual craft stores. What's more is that most craft tables are multi-faceted and double up as scrapbooking tables. This way, you can use your scrapbooking table for other types of crafts so that you can get more out of it. Whatever the case, any scrapbooking project or endeavor will benefit from you having your own scrapbooking table to work on. Your scrapbooks are important and valuable and need the proper workspace and work environment to ensure comfortable execution all the time.
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Scrapbooking Business Idea
Passion for scrapbooking can lead to business opportunity. If you have the flair business, you will convert your hobby into a money-earning asset. THE MARKET: Make studies on how you can harness prospective customers when you start your own system of putting up a scrapbooking store. Of course, you will waste money on a weak strategy and set-up. Where will you put up a store? Will you operate it online or you will rent a place and hire people? The latter is big deal because it will involve overhead cost. Prior to that you will first consult an accountant and a coach before you can finalize on spending money for the store. But given the motivation of unique selling point, you can do all the concepts you want to reach the edge of your desired business. Online scrapbooking is another option if you want to cater to global market. Put up a nice paid website and maximize the use of Internet to optimize your visitors whose hobbies are centered in doing scrapbooks. Remember that you are selling happiness and a placeholder of memories, which people can keep for many years. It establishes closeness to families and close clans. For an online scrapbooking store, you can do what it takes to use search engine optimization. You can hire a website who can put up e-commerce sites and help you with the payment scheme methods, flow and traffic in your site, and most of all marketing. The website itself is the marketing medium of your business, although it operates virtually. Expect to be spending costs on domain name, web hosting, contents, and some freebies. The disadvantage of online store is when traditional customers are not yet open to the idea of getting stuff ordered online. Others would prefer the touch of textures of paper and materials than just browsing through images, which will more likely be affected by the network connections. Given all the creativity and strong will to put up one, there is nothing impossible. If you have skills in computers, you can even put up your own web design and do the graphic arts yourself. Basically, those who plunge to online stores are those who are computer savvy enough to do the basic tasks rather than depending on hired people alone. As soon as the business flourish on its own, one can hire and even train people on how they can create scrapbooks for business. Of course, this will go to another category and phase of scrapbooking store. Now the question is: are you going to put up a merchandise of goodies, or are you going to render services? Once you brainstorm with your scrapbooking teammates, you will realize the scheme will adjust depending on what all of you want to render to people. But when it comes to creativity, the options are endless. It will always be the question of how much your customer would want to spend in indulging with scrapbooking. Anyway, this will all be studied first before diving to the idea of doing a business out of scrapbooking. You can directly sell goodies in a rented space and provide other items like a typical bookshop. Customers can combine thoughts for scrapbook making, and you have a counter with a creative crew to help customers make up their minds. Just remember, scrapbooking is all about creating memories.
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Create Memories that Last
Photographs and preserving them in a photo album is a novel way of keeping memories fresh in one's mind. Every time one gets to view a photo album, reminiscences and the feelings associated with the memories brought by the snapshots come up and are brought back to life. Pictures as they say, speak a thousand words. Go a step further and paint a complete story by enhancing photos albums into scrapbooks. Scrapbooking is the means of showcasing a memory by incorporating other creative objects along with photographs to be able to give depth and texture to a memory. It is akin to translating a story into a tactile and visual treat for you and for anyone who happens to view your scrapbook. This way, scrapbooking becomes a creative means for you to remember beautiful memories, as well as share past moments with friends and loved ones. For instance, instead of just putting a memorable photo of your trip to the park inside a regular photo album, enhance your presentation by including different media to compliment and enhance your photograph. Perhaps you can add items like an actual leaf that has fallen from that park and preserve in along with your photo. Don't limit yourself to this however. You can add any pertinent items that will make your showcase even more colorful and lively. This way, your memory almost pops up out of your scrapbook with a vibrancy and life that does your remembrance justice. The term scrapbooking stems from the principle that in making your scrapbook, you incorporate creative bits and pieces or "scraps" along with your photographs to create a wonderful storytelling medium that can be personally enjoyed as well as shared. Because of the popularity of scrapbooking, there are now many commercially available materials that you can use for this endeavor. Naturally, it would probably be ideal to be able to use materials that actually constitute your memory and photograph. However, sometimes, if the photograph is really old and you can no longer salvage old scraps from that era, you can turn to modern day materials to get the job done. There are a lot of variety of trinkets and items available in the market, which you can use in your scrapbook layout. Virtually anything you will need for this effort can be purchased from scrapbooking sources. Of course the most common scrapbooking materials you will need is the scrapbook itself and some items like scrapbooking stickers that do wonders for any scrapbook layout. Using scrapbooking stickers instead of cutting out pieces of paper and gluing them to your layout saves time without sacrificing quality and creativity. Be sure however, that just like the paper you use for your scrapbook, your scrapbooking sticker is acid-free and has the qualities needed for preserving your memories. Remember that acid in paper is harmful to your photographs. Instead of protecting your memories, acid will slowly corrode and compromise your photos. To ensure that your memories last, use only quality materials like scrapbooking stickers that do not harm or compromise your photographs. It is important to check on not only the paper used for scrapbooking stickers, but also on the type of adhesive used on these. This way, you can be assured of immortalizing your memories through your scrapbook.
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Ideas and tips towards Scrapbooking for free
Scrapbooking may seem not an expensive hobby when compared to for instance golf, where in you have to buy a thousands worth of equipment or perhaps dancing, the lessons of which, can be really hard in the pockets; but that is where you are wrong. If you don't watch it, scrapbooking can be even more expensive in the long run. This is because as you become more and more enmeshed with the hobby, you need updated tools and equipment. What is scary though about scrapbooking is the fact that you can't really watch out for your expenses because it is relatively small. You just end up paying more because of the quantity that you buy and the frequency that you buy the materials. Still, if you really want to. You dont have to shell out so much. Scrapbooking need not be expensive. Below are some tips and idea to help you scrapbook for free (or if not way below what you are spending now!). Watch the tools One of the things that make scrapbooking so expensive for most people is their constant need to have the updated version of every tool imaginable. Whatever is new in the market, die-hard scrapbookers buy them even if they already have something that performs almost the same functions. It is important to remember that you don't really have to buy great tools to create great scrapbooks. With even the oldest and out of date materials, you can still create memorable pages with just your creativity in tow. Recycle and reuse There are a lot of things in your home that you can use to add flavor and texture to your pages. You don't have to, for instance, buy stickers for your scrapbook in craft stores. You can achieve the same look, maybe even a better look, if you cut out graphics in magazines and in old greeting cards. Stationeries are another great source of graphics that you can use. Your old clothes can also be very useful. In fact, every inch of your old clothes can be used as decoration from the fabric to the zipper and the buttons. If you have an attic with a boxful of old clothes that you no longer wear, raid it and put those fabrics to good use. not only have you managed to rid the house of clutter, you have also put a lot of creative design into your scrapbook pages. Make your own scrapbook Most people who do their own scrapbooks buy prepared ones in craft stores and then decorate them with stuff. Prepared scrapbooks that are blank can really cost you a lot and this is unfortunate as most of these scrapbooks that are being sold can be easily done and completed in the home. If you have the time, just make your own scrapbook. The cheapest way to go is of course to make your own paper through recycling. This however may take forever and may be really tedious to do. Another way is to buy recycled papers or any kinds of paper in bookstores and compile them yourself by sewing the sides or gluing them together. This will be cheaper than buying an already-made set. What is more, you get to choose the design that you want and put some spin on the kind of scrapbook that you are doing.
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Page Scrap Booking
A scrapbook and a paper back novel are not that different. The words that normally tell the reader what is happening is seen in each of the images. Although this won't reach more than a hundred pages, it is more than enough to tell a good story from beginning to end. Each page that is placed in the scrapbook is made of paper. The hobbyist can buy this in the bookstore but get the kind that is safe for photos, acid and lignin free. This will ensure that this will last for many years to come as long as this is also stored properly. The person can even choose use either plain or colored paper for each page and then use cutouts for the layout. The best instrument to use is a cutter because it easier to use when slicing through the edges but those who dont have one should just be careful when using a pair of scissors. Since it will be quite difficult to undo the changes when the pictures are cut, it will be a good idea to put everything first in order to get an idea how it will look. Some dual tape can be used initially and it is only when the individual is satisfied with it that one should continue so this page is finished making it possible to move on to the next one. It will sometimes take more than a day to finish one page. It is easy to check how the succeeding page will look if these are placed beside each other but the hobbyist should flip back a few pages from time to time to make sure there is continuity from cover to cover. The best way to preserve the scrapbook is to get a durable photo album cover. This will keep the contents safe even when this is hidden in a cool place for storage. However, no matter how careful one is, the elements may still cause the scrapbook to decay. The best way to preserve the work done will be to put this in a compact disc or on the web. Unlike the conventional method where paper is used on each page, the hobbyist can still do it by using the available templates from one website then proceeding to the next. Surely the designs here are much better but nothing compares to the imagination that comes from the working with the hands. The person will just browse through the search engines to find sites that are free so it won't cost a thing to download this into the computer. Some give the user the choice to save this on file when the project has not yet been completed or have this saved on the website's database making it easier to continue where one left of. There are many ways to make a scrapbook and it takes practice to really excel in this hobby. One way to improve will be to look at the previous work made or even those done by other people to get an ideas on how to improve when there is time to make a new one. The person should remember that the scrapbook regardless of size is still composed of pages and the effort that is put into it is worth it.
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Hobbyists Can Do Online Scrap Booking
The scrapbook is a story that features a day in the life of an individual. There are only a few words that will describe what is happening when the picture can speak for itself. These are usually presented in a colorful manner that many perceive to be much better than an album. Traditionally, scrapbooks were made using the imagination of the individual. These days, the same things can be done online enabling the user to download the templates to finish the scrapbook and have this also posted on the web. Research shows that there are more than 100,000 downloadable templates available to date. This allows the person to use a different one on each page of the scrap book since it will be quite boring to use one or two very often. There are a few things people should know about the templates. Some of the sites offer this for free while there are others that will ask the person to pay a small fee. Those who decide to become members can even view the works of other people that will give an idea on how to finish the scrapbook. When a template has been downloaded, the person can choose to print this on paper or do the work on the computer. The photo will be scanned or uploaded from the digital camera and then pasted on page. This will make it faster for the individual to have this posted on the web should this be shown to a much larger audience which goes beyond the family. Has this drastically changed how scrap booking is done? The answer is no. This is because many still prefer to use cut outs and other art material to decorate the other things in the background. The technology just helped a bit in the production time when one is busy thinking of the proper layout. Users will still have to do rest by hand. Aside from templates, some of these sites even sell the materials needed if these things are not available or are more expensive in the bookstore. Not all the sites offer the same thing. The person will notice that there are a few that even give helpful tips to beginners and veterans alike on new techniques that can improve the skills in this hobby. It is also a good thing that viewer's are allowed to post questions and discuss about scrap booking. This will surely help those who may have a hard time understanding the tips mentioned when making this work. When the scrapbook has been completed, this can be posted on the web. The individual can post this in the same site where the templates were acquired or have this posted elsewhere such as one's personal website. Scrap booking is not new. People have been doing this for years and it is only recently that there is an upsurge again for those who want to make it. Maybe because people have more free time to do it or are not content anymore with just putting everything in an album. Regardless of the reason, the one sure thing is that online scrap booking is here to stay. This will give the hobbyists more options when it comes to the planning and the final outcome of the scrapbook, which can be finished in a few weeks or months.
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Basic Materials for scrapbooking
One of the hobbies that has the whole America in a frenzy is scrapbooking. From ordinary cutting of photos and putting ribbons, the craze of scrapbooking have gone beyond the simple and developed into one sophisticated operations. Gone are the days when you have to dye the paper, cut the graphics and paste the decorations. Most people do not even draw anymore. And certainly, only a few ever stitch their own scrapbooks. All they need to do now is buy blank scrapbooks that are already prepared, pick some really nice stickers and decorations in the craft stores and voila, they are well on their way to a great scrapbook. Still for the newbies in scrapbooking, the basics tools are still the best. In fact, in getting started with scrapbooking, you may want to stick to the old and basic materials first just to be able to get the feel of how is it to really do scrapbooking. Although the new trends and materials provide great convenience, it somehow does all the work for the scrapbookers, leaving the essence of creative creations behind. To get you started, here are some of the basic materials that you've got to have in hand. Scrapbook paper You can't get started with scrapbooking if you dont have a scrapbook to begin with. There are blank scrapbooks that you can find in your craft stores. You can use those to get you started. You can also start with pieces of specialized papers, recycled ones, colored papers, art papers or construction papers that you can compile after. Some scrapbookers do this because they dont want to make all the pages uniform. After which you can make a cover and then you can stitch the pages and the cover together. Scissors You can never make a scrapbook without a good old scissors in your box of tools. This is perhaps the most basic of your tools as this is the one that you will be using in cutting shapes and graphics as well as putting designs on the pages itself. You can also buy scissors that cut designed lines and not just your usual straight lines. Much like the pinking shears used in sewing, these specialized scissors can be real handy when cutting graphics and decorations for your pages. Cutters and cutting boards Not all cuttings can be done with a scissors. Sometimes, you need a cutter to make your work a little easier. When using a cutter, make sure that you have a cutting board underneath to avoid cutting papers underneath or worse putting cut lines on the surface of the table. In addition to the cushion, cutting boards also have guide lines that will help you cut paper in a straight line. This will save you a lot of work in sketching and using the ruler just to be able to cut it straight. Cutting boards also have measurements that will help you when you need to cut paper at a certain length. Sticky stuff This is another tool that you cannot go without when doing scrapbooking. Most people use the glue gun especially when trying to put on decorations that are really bulky such as buttons or gemstones. When dealing with paper, you can use ordinary glue and even paste. Glue gun will only make the paper look bulky and wrinkled.
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Getting into magazine scrapbooking
Through the years, more and more styles and themes have emerged when it comes to scrapbooking. Since the craft doesnt require formality, anything goes as long as the person enjoys the outcome of the product. One of the most common themes when it comes to scrapbooking is magazine scrapbooking. This theme mimics the layout usually seen in different kinds of magazine in the market. Magazine scrapbooking involves the use of photos along with texts and embellishments scattered all throughout the scrapbook pages. Aside from the photos, texts, and chosen embellishments, magazine scrapbooking also includes the use of patterned pages with matching theme and colors. SCRAPBOOKING 101 Before you start making your magazine scrapbook, you have to consider first what are the materials you will need. Here is a basic list of must haves in order to be a scrapbooker. 1. Album. The first thing you need to consider is the place where you will place all your photos and embellishmentsthe album. You will need to decide what is the size of the album you want to work in order to determine the amount of materials you need to use in making the scrapbook. The usual size of scrapbook albums most scrapbookers use is 12 x 12 but it is up to you how big or small you would want your scrapbook to be. Aside from the size of the album, you will also need to consider the color you want to use and the pattern that will work for the theme of your chosen album. 2. Refill pages. Since you still dont know how many pages you need for your album, it will really pay if you have refill pages of your chosen album. In the market, refill pages are usually sold in different sizes, so it is best if you pick up a couple of packs when buying album refills to ensure that you get the same quality of the of the album you already purchased. 3. A pair of sharp scissors. Scrapbooking requires a lot of cutting so it is best that you purchase a nice and high quality of sharp scissors. It is advisable if you use a pair of scissors that have very fine tips and is comfortable to hold or to use. Fine scissors might be a little more expensive compared to the ordinary pairs out there but this will ensure that you can use a pair scissors that are dedicated exclusively to your scrapbook. 4. Adhesives. In the market today, there are so many kinds and styles of adhesive that come in different sizes and styles. For beginners, it is best if you use an acid-free adhesive that is perfect for cardstock and photos. You might want to consider brands such as 3L Click 'n' Stick Mounting Squares, Herma Dotto Removable, and Herma Vario Wheel Dispenser. 5. A variety of cardstock, printed and specialty papers. Just like in choosing your scrapbook album, you need to select papers that will work well with the colors and the theme you have chosen. It will also pay if you choose colored papers, cardstock and accents to highlight your photos. (Tip: Try to buy papers and cardstocks at several local scrapbook stores because they sell individual sheets for each page.) 6. Several journal pens. It is best to use acid-free, permanent, pens that have fine tips for hand writing especially if you are doing magazine scrapbooking because you will need it for your journaling. You can buy pens that have different sizes.
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Layout Scrap Booking
Scrap booking is not an old art. People have been doing this for years which is much more fun than putting everything inside a photo album. The difference between a scrap book and an album is that the hobbyist can make changes to the background. These designs can vary per page and there is no limit to what can be done to make it look impressive. Scrap booking is similar to any other activity the person chooses to engage in. This is because everything has to be ready so there won't be any interruptions later on. The first thing needed for the layout will be the materials. These include the pictures, scissors, glue, magazines, newspaper, writing material and of course the paper that makes up each page in the scrap book. The best scrap books are made of paper that are acid and lignin free. Those who have this will not have a problem sticking pictures and cutouts as well as writing on the side when using chalk, crayon, pastel or a pen. Scrap booking paper can easily be found in the bookstore. These are not only available in plain but also in floral or striped designs. This will surely help out the person who has no idea how to put the desired look for each page. Manufacturers have also made the paper in different shapes and sizes. This gives the hobbyist the chance of making each one both memorable and unique compared to the previous project that was just finished. There is no right or wrong way to come up with a layout. This goes to the imagination of the person. Things to keep in mind are the color scheme, the message the creator wants to convey and how each one will be seen in every page. Those who having a hard time thinking about the type of layout for the scrap book don't have to worry because there are websites that can help make it happen. There are templates that can be downloaded for free or a small fee which can be saved in the computer's hard drive and used whenever these are necessary. The first thing that people pay attention to when looking at each page of the scrap book is the center. So, the hobbyist should put a picture and then put the other stuff on the sides working outward or using the top to bottom approach. A story can even happen as the layout is happening especially when there are three photos or more on a single page. The only way for several pictures to fit in one page is to make the others look smaller. This involves using a pair of scissors or a cutter. Since nothing can be done when this has been done, it will be a good idea to practice this first with the accessories to make each one look perfect. If the layout does not fit in one page, perhaps this can be done spread over two pages. The concept itself is still the same but in a much larger scale. Layout scrap booking is a lot of fun. There are no limits to what can be done so the person should try one today or with others to get a feel of this hobby and then show this off to friends.
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