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Weight loss diet for adults not right for teens
Teens do experience what we could call "teenage weight pressures." At the age of 16, teenagers are still too self conscious of their appearance that they are easily affected by jeers by classmates and peers when it comes to how they look. Being stereotyped because they are a little overweight can be really demeaning which could cause other personal or even psychological problems later on. But the thing is, if a teenager has been eating and exercising right their bodies will be where they should be at their age. And when teenagers find themselves overweight, impatient as they are, they tend to go overboard often taking the drastic route to loose weight. They try skipping their meals or limiting food intake the wrong way. Because teens and preteens are still growing, the practice of skipping meals is not such a great idea. Even adult weight loss programs do not arbitrarily recommend skipping meals. The right diet is eating the right food that covers teenagers' nutritional needs for their body's further growth and development. More often than not, dietitians recommend that teens follow an eating plan that will help reach their ideal weight and keep it there. They complement food diets with lots of physical activities. They find that cutting back on calorie intake is not the best option for teenagers to take. Being effective "calorie burners" seems to be the right path that teenagers should take. By exercising a lot they will reduce body fat and build their muscles at the same time. As teenagers, they should also be encouraged to try all types of sports. By increasing their physical activities they will develop tons of energy as well as strength and stamina. Their bones will grow better and stronger. The will have better and healthier skin and will have a general happy outlook in life. However, for some teenagers a customized diet program is needed and is suggested to be the most effective. But this is in a case to case basis. Not all situations and circumstances are alike. These diets are normally designed by diet and nutrition experts. Included in these customized diet programs are itemization of particular food groups and proper proportion you child or teen should eat. These diets focus on reducing the intake of foods loaded with saturated fats. Reducing fat in one's diet will make him/her healthier and will make it easier to maintain their body weight. Under these programs, daily food consumption should not have more than 30 grams, or 10 ounces, of fat. You need to, therefore, spread out your intake of fat for each meal if you eat. It is generally recommended that persons on a diet should avoid fat laden snacks like potato chips or buttered popcorn. In your teen's eating habits, probably the biggest obstacle that they will face is when they eat at restaurants or dinners with friends. Foods in restaurant are served in big portions and more often than not contain too much salt, fat, and calories. Part of a diet program should be instilling discipline and self control. One can still join their friends when they dine out but they should learn to choose the right food and ask for the right servings. You are what you eat. If you eat too much fat, then you'll probably end up fat. Always remember to eat foods like fruits, vegetables, low-GI foods, and foods with low fat contents. If you have been accustomed to eating fatty and salty meals and junk foods, then your body might tell you that fruits and vegetables don't taste that good. You then have to retrain your taste buds and body by eating as many fruits and vegetables as possible. If you keep eating them, you'll start to enjoy them later on.
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Weight Loss Camp Solution For Obese Teens
Tired of doing all the thinking on how you can solve your teen's weight problem? Why make it hard if you could send them to weight loss camp? It is not an easy task to see your teen child is struggling with the psychological stigma of being overweight. If you collected all the books, had taken all the measures in getting involved with the disciplinary moves just to help in the management, and still can't find the satisfactory result, then it is time to step out. There are healthy solutions even for the most impossible obstacles of a child's social problem. One of the good options is weight loss camp for teens. Weight loss camp for teens is a haven for those who have the problem with weight. It is combined rapport handled by a trainer to groups of participants suffering from losing weight in particular. They could motivate each other as a group and promote positive result. They could share each other's background and weaknesses, and in the end accept the mistakes and change in time. Of course, it is not a kind of rehabilitation where people can just cry their angst on some guilty indulgence. Weight loss camps offer variety of activities like sports, exercise, lectures and relevant discussions to promote effective solutions. Weight loss camp is not necessarily for fat people only. Other people enroll just to find the balance in between hectic schedules and for the sake of having a good break. Summers are usually the best time to join a weight loss camp. The weather is just perfect for most outdoor and fun activities to sweat all excess fats. The main essence of weight loss camp is not all about dreading to be trim. It is built around strong motivation for people to keep an active life, release stress and simply find means to healthy lifestyle. The group can establish good camaraderie where every activity is geared to healthy relating. A teen can indulge spending summers in weight loss camps, instead of hanging around nowhere on binge gimmicks. Fast foods play roles in the increase of obesity around the world in the modern age since the last decade of the century. While teens are aware, they can't avoid the convenience. Staying at weight loss camp will keep your teen focused on his or her goal. If the family can accommodate the budget, they can also join the child in the program. It could be the best support possible while at the same time spending for a fruitful vacation. Actually, the sessions in the camp have to be taken for fun and not as formal training and stressful objective. After the time spent on the weight loss camp, it is important to maintain the values learned. Make sure the bad habits have been ruled out to avoid feeling worse in the onset of more weight gain. It means the exercises should be given ample time. The process of weight loss does not get accomplished over night. It is a combination of frustration and shed amounts of budget from pocket. Entering paid programs must come with discretion, unless it is the last resort. The solutions vary from person to person. Some did it easily without cost, while others spend a fortune. Which way is applicable to you? It will take discipline to answer that.
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What you need to know about teen weight loss
In world where physical comeliness matters, more and more people are giving too much emphasis on physical appearance. They are becoming interestedeven obsessedin using so many products and services that can help them improve their physical appearance. Today, one of the biggest problems of peopleespecially by teenagers all over the worldis being overweight or obesity. Too much weightcaused by overeating and lack of exerciseis becoming one of the problems especially of teenagers that cause them to lose confidence. If you are a parent who has an obese or overweight child and you would want to help him or her to lose weight safe and effectively, here are some steps that you can do: 1. Help your child to come up with a great decision. Losing weight is a decision you must help your child with. The first thing that you can do is to talk to your child. Ask him or her what he or she thinks about herself. If he or she confesses that he/she doesnt feel good about his or her physical appearance, then its now time to ask your child what he/she wants to do. Give your child suggestions on how he/she improve herself. Ask him or her if he or she is willing to lose weight and help your child all the way. Once you and your child have made a decision, start plotting your plan on how to lose weight effectively, safely, and the healthy way. Aside from making the major decision whether to lose or nor to lose weight, the decision must also include the full participation of both parties in the agenda. Aside from assuring your child that that he or she has your full support, it would also be a wise decision if you both formulate a specific plan how you are going to approach this endeavor. The decision will also include the possible resources and strategies you can use. 2. If possible, try to change your eating and exercising patterns together. If you really want to help your child lose weight, you should try formulating an eating and exercise plan that can help him or her lose weight effectively. An effective plan may include eating foods low in fat and low in sugar along with a great deal of regular exercise. 3. Look for nonprofessional support weight loss programs and use them if you can. Today, there are two weight loss programs that most experts recommend: the TOPS or Take Off Pounds Sensibly which is a self-help club encourages parent-child participation and the Weight Watchers. Statistics say that most people who enroll in these programs drop out even before the program ends, so it is very important for parents to guide their children so they won't give up easily. 4. Ask help from professionals and experts that have expertise in cognitive-behavior therapy and weight. Since obesity is one of the major problems of teenagers, more and more psychologists offer their services to help people who are overweight to lose weight. 5. Send your child to high-quality weight loss camps or to residential weight loss programs. Losing weight can be traumatic experience for your child. Giving him or her a fresh new environment to start with can help him or her a lot to pursue the weigh loss endeavor. Today, there are so many weight loss camps created specifically for those children who would want to lose weight away from the eyes of people who are eagerly and intently watching him or her. In the first few weeks of your child in this new task, he or she may find it hard to concentrate because of the pressure given by the people and the environment. You can help him or her if you look for a safe and clinically appropriate environment that can help her or him focus on losing weight.
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Weight Loss Plan for Teens
Studies have shown that there are a lot of people who are either obese or overweight. People can blame it on the food being served in the cafeteria or the type of meals being served in the fast food joint but in the end, the only one to blame is the person. This is because everyone has a choice whether to live with a good diet plan or not and those who are too heavy just decided to eat more than what is allowable. Luckily, there is a way to stop this from getting any worse. There are doctors and dietitians that the teen can go up to help create a weight loss plan. Is there one plan out there suitable for every teen? The answer is no. This will depend on the physical condition of the patient after an examination has been conducted. One of the advantages of losing weight while the person is still young is that there are not that limitations compared to an adult. This allows the body to burn calories much faster when engaging in a workout or playing a certain sport. Since physical education class is not enough to get those calories, the doctor can recommend that the patient work out in the gym or in the youth center. These places have the equipment such as treadmills, weights and other sports facilities that can cater to the weight loss plan. Most people are advised to engage in a physical activity for 20 minutes three times a week. Teens have a lot of energy and it wouldn't hurt to do this everyday. Since the body may adapt to the changes, the doctor may recommend some variations to help those extra pounds weekly. The chances of getting the desired weight will not happen if the food being consumed is not being monitored. The dietitian must also come up with a program in order for this work. The basic dietary plan is called the no nonsense balanced diet. This means simply getting enough carbohydrates, proteins and fats in each meal because there are many who put more emphasis on one or the other. Having too much carbohydrates could be the cause for someone being overweight. This can be stopped by following a low carb diet plan where the patient will have to cut down on carbohydrates and replace this with food that is rich in proteins and fats. People will see results in less than a month and just have to continue to maintain the ideal weight. Another option is the low calorie diet in which the teen will eat six small meals a day instead of the three that people normally practice. This is distributed during different hours of the day and is proven to works in just 14 days. Aside from exercising and dieting, the weight loss plan involves getting enough rest. This will allow the body to recharge from the activities of the day to be prepared for the challenges tomorrow. Overweight teens will not lose the excess pounds overnight. The teen can only make this happen by following the doctor's advice with regards to the food being consumed and with proper exercise. One way to check on the effectiveness of the plan will be to go up the weighing scale. If it is not working as projected, perhaps the teen can ask for another weight loss plan given there are different ways that can make this happen.
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Adolescence and Weight Problems
Adolescent or teens are undergoing heavy transition between childhood and adulthood. It is the time they experience the first surge of hormones leading to different emotional complexities. They start to assert themselves in every situation and meet challenges like young adults. When social circle starts to widen, teens are always conscious about physical appearance, especially girls. They are anxious to look best, and most of all to look slender in all occasions. Weight loss sounds like a struggle to some people, while there are ironically those who aspire to gain weight. Losing weight is critical to those who are 20% over weight. If being thin is quite a problem to some, the reality still shouts loud that it is ugly to be fat. The onset of this issue starts in early teen-age years. High schools are stressed out to be thin while they nibble on high calorie foods. People with fast metabolism or those who weigh normally have the capacity to burn fat easier than those who overweight by heredity. Teen weight loss has to be ruled out even childhood years. It starts during infanthood. Based on researches, breastfed babies are less likely to suffer from obesity in their adult years. Bottle fed babies tend to suck milk easily compared to breast fed babies who work harder to suck the natural way. Infants who become overweight are higher with bottle fed babies and they carry it over until they reach adolescent years. Once a child is already obese during childhood, the body has already adjusted to such metabolism. Teens are also affected by hormonal changes. Girls have monthly woes of hormonal peaks, which could be felt during and after menstrual cycle and during ovulation. Water retention usually occurs before a period. This could be avoided by eating less salty food. Boys who are very active with activities tend to eat more but could find balance in shedding fats easily. They are also prone to obesity given the right formula of eating too much, eating oily/fatty foods and not shedding the excess calories. Needless to say, being overweight knows no gender except for the biological reality that boys are more muscular by girls. By nature girls have 25% more body fat compared to boys because their bodies are prepared for nurturing children. Weight loss for teen does not have to be complicated. If the teen is excessively problematic about the issue, it is important to consult a doctor and know the reason behind the abnormal weight. The doctor will determine how to attack the real problem first rather than giving ineffective methods of diets. The doctor will know the teen's daily habit and lifestyle from where he can base his judgment in giving the right nutritional advice. Exercise is an important part of routine session to be undergone by a teen. This is to trim the muscles during weight loss. Exercise not only improves circulation but it also boosts the functioning of the body. Effective dieting is like a goal with rules to be followed. If an expert has tabulated a weight loss diet, it should be complied with great courage and determination to get the desired result. There is no room for panic and plunging to fast methods of weight loss. It is to make the method slow but sure. This way, the weight loss is permanent.
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Teen weight loss: Taking it slowly is still the best
Teen weight loss: Taking it slowly is still the best According to recent studies more kids nowadays are mild to severely overweight. The 1999-2000 National health survey indicates that 15 % of children and teens are overweight. The figure is nearly double that what was recorded a decade or so ago. Some blame their present lifestyle while others blame the lack of discipline in teens nowadays. Regardless of the reasons, teen weight problems are real. But unlike weight loss programs for adults, teen weight loss programs are a little tricky since such programs when left uncheck can be potentially dangerous for their health. Because of the potential danger, dietitian and nutrition experts approach the subject with caution. The basic problem with teen weight loss is that their bodies are still growing and developing and cutting down food intake will greatly influence their growth. It is therefore important that diet programs for teens should cover all their nutritional needs. For teenagers, they generally need to grasp some basic concepts about eating right. If they eat too little, their health will be put at risk. But similarly, if they eat more that they should, the extra food turns into body fat causing weight issues. Teenagers should learn to eat food less with saturated fats. These foods include those fried in fat and oil like fried chicken, burgers, potato chips, french fries, potato chips and other fatty meat. Meanwhile, they also should avoid foods that are high in fat and sugar contents like cakes, chocolates, butter, cream, peanut butter, pies, cookies, and generally any sweets and sweet based desserts. A lot of diet programs claim to be the best solutions for over weight teens. These claims generally revolve around two basic concepts: the right diet and regular exercise. In reality, the quickest and easiest way for teens to loose weight is still the having the right diet and right exercise. Teens should always avoid diet pills. Most of the kids or teens today eat fast foods, get exceedingly large food portions and are really extremely lazy lacking the necessary activities to build a healthy body. Simple outdoor activities for teens can help them loose some of their excess body weight. When you cut grass use a push mower, for example. Engage in activities like playing Frisbee which would help you exercise without even realizing it. There's really no quick way to loose weight. You need to work the excess fat off your body. It is the right combination of diet and exercise which will help you loose weight. But the problem with dieting and exercising is keeping motivated and goal oriented. Kids find dieting intimidating and regular exercise boring. This is why full family support is necessary if you want your kids to loose some weight. You need to keep your kids and teens motivated. Encourage them and help them overcome their cravings by cooking, serving and eating the same food diets that they eat. Get them to be more active. If they find regular exercises boring, join them in other activities such as sports. Teach them what to look for when they eat outdoors. Tell them the benefits of foods and teach them how to read food labels. You may be able to control their diet while they stay home but when they go outside and eat with friends, then you might have a problem. It is therefore important in any diet to implant a sense of self discipline and pride in what they do.
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Dealing with fast weight loss programs and surgeries for teenagers
Dealing with fast weight loss programs and surgeries for teenagers Adolescence is a time of great pressure for a person. This is the period in ones life when a person must be able to adjust to a lot of different things in the environment and be able to cope with the new things that are coming into their lives. In addition to the usual changes in the bodys chemical and hormonal compositions, a teenager also need to cope with the pressures in the family, in the school and in their social group. Most kids find the last one the hardest to deal with. Social groups, kids with almost the same age range, can be really cruel if they want to. Stories of bullying and ostracism are not untrue. These things really happen in every middle school and high school in the country. There are people who are popular and there are those who are popularly bullied and made fun of. In most social groups, the need to be part of the select group of popular kids or just be accepted by the majority is one of the major achievements in these periods of their lives. Unfortunately, much of the acceptance and the ostracism involve the looks. This is perhaps the reason why people, especially the young are so much into their looks. Ultimately, they dont really want to have slim bodies. They dont really want to diet. They just want to be accepted and they see dieting as their ticket inside the select social group that they are craving to belong to. This is also the reason why more and more kids are developing eating disorders and a lot of them are undergoing surgeries. Most are into different kinds of diet programs that guarantee them slimness in less than a month. Although these procedures do work, when taken to the extreme, these can be mighty dangerous. In the long run, not only will they be destroying their bodies and their health but also their lives. The roles of parents are therefore important in this instance. They are the ones who need to show their teenagers the right way, to guide them so that they will make the right choices. One way to do this is to show your understanding and your support. Most parents often oppose the choices of their kids. Because of this, their kids no longer confide or tell them what they are thinking about or what is going on in their lives. You may not like what your teeners to do the things that they do; but at least by knowing, you are able to put limits on their behavior. There is a lot that being aware can do. If you cannot really stop them and they are really decided; then support them with their decision. Accompany them in shopping for a surgical doctor. Tell them the pros and the cons. Maybe, you can manage to dissuade them. Children can be logical and rational when they want to. They just need the right kind of information fed to them. Another way to help them is to make sure that they are aware of the choices that they are making. Losing weight fast can be a dangerous thing. Let them read literature on the dangers of losing weight fast. Tell them the dangers of surgeries and going under the knife. Let them see picture of people who have gone under the knife and have their surgeries backfire.
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Supplementing Teen Weight Loss
It is getting easier for teenagers today to put on weight. There are a number of reasons that make this possible. One of them is the popularity of fast food chains as the main source of daily nourishment for most of teenagers. To say the least, the kind of food that such establishments provide can really be fattening. And they can not provide the kind of balanced nourishment required by growing teens. But sad to say, in this generation of convenience and busier lifestyle, fast food chains have become an ideal choice especially for the parents who might not find the time to prepare meals for their children. When you realize that your teen is getting fatter and putting up more and more weight, you have to act early in order to prevent it from getting worse. An overweight teen can easily acquire a number of life threatening conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes and increased risk of strokes. Early action would usually help in preventing such conditions from developing in your child as he or she grows. There are a number of solutions available to help your lose that excess weight. You can put your overweight teen on a diet to help him or her get rid of that excess weight. A healthy diet combined with regular exercise is essential to a healthy way of losing weight. You can also give him or her weight loss supplements that will further help in maintaining a healthy means of getting rid of that excess weight. One of the supplements that your teen can possibly take is calcium. Most people are not aware that weight loss diets may sometimes affect the amount of nutrients that the body gets. Some diets may promise quick weight loss but may not be giving the body with the essential nutrients that it needs, especially the bones. Calcium and other nutrients are sometimes in low supply during periods of dieting which may lead to increased chances of developing conditions such as osteoporosis. Parents should be aware that dieting may lead to a low supply in calcium in their teens. They should be able to provide their children with a variety of calcium and other supplements so that the dieting teens would still be getting all the essential nutrients they need to grow and develop. And not only that, essential nutrients such as calcium may even aid your teenager in losing excess weight. There have been numerous studies that show that calcium may help in reducing body fat. The reason for this is because calcium is a known fat burner. Diets with a healthy amount of calcium seem to favor burning rather than storing fat in the body. Calcium in the body is stored in fat cells and this plays an important role in fat storage and breakdown. Calcium may be able to change the efficiency of losing weight. Further studies have shown that dieters with the highest overall calcium intake experience losing more weight, and the people with the lowest calcium intake had the highest percentage of body fat. When overall calorie consumption is taken into consideration, it not only helps keep a person's weight in check, but it can also be associated specifically with substantial decreases in body fat. A low daily calcium intake is associated with greater tendency to gain weight, particularly in adolescent girls and adult women.
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A Teen Weight Loss Success Story
Teens can get into a variety of fun activities in order to lose weight. With overweight teens getting increasingly more common nowadays, finding more enjoyable ways of getting rid of excess weight. Unique ways may appeal to more teenagers as they not only want to look at losing weight as something that they have to do instead of being something that they really want to do. Once they enjoy doing it, they have an increased likelihood of keeping it up and become more successful in trying to lose weight. But how can you make losing weight more fun? Well, exciting activities that appeal to the teenager will likely do it. There is a story of a certain teenage girl who lost weight simply by playing a video game. Now, what can be more exciting and fun than that? Losing weight while playing a video game? This is some story that is worth listening to. This typical teenage girl makes use of her time at the arcade to lose weight. She started playing a popular video game called "Dance Dance Revolution (DDR)" at the age of 17. At that time, she was a senior in high school and weighed about 235 lbs, pretty overweight for a teenage girl. But after four and a half years of playing the said video game, she now weigh about 140 lbs. She couldn't even imagine just how much a video game would come to affect her health and weight concerns with positive results. The said video game even helped her grow to be a better and more self-confident teen. Before discovering the video game, she was a rather inactive person not used to go about doing such activities. Although she was active as a member in different bands, orchestras, drama, and had already played video games, she didn't regularly get out for exercise. She became really unhappy when she realized that she was at an unhealthy weight. Just as what happens with most obese people, she started losing hope that she will ever be a normal person again when faced with the fact that she had so much weight to lose. The Internet became a form of escapism so that she didn't have to face people in person because of her overweight condition. In college, she became increasingly unhappy being in a new environment and her weight continued to yo-yo, usually staying at around 235 lbs. Sometime around October of 2002, a fun new game version of a game called DDR USA was released that contained a ton of new songs to dance to. She tried the game out and soon became addicted to the video game with a high activity rate. Not long after, she began frequenting the video arcade almost everyday playing the video game for hours and hours. At one point, she came to discover a website which had a Bulletin Board where people would meet online and talk about DDR and music games and she quickly became friends with the regulars. She was able to get to know friends who were able to motivate her to play more frequently and for hours at a time. It was during around this time she began losing most of her weight. In her first six months of playing, she was able to lose 45 lbs with no change in her diet whatsoever. Once she discovered that she can find herself at a more comfortable weight again, she decided to make healthy changes in her life such as following a more healthy diet. She became more conscious of what she ate and as a result, lost an additional 20 lbs. Playing the game regularly and coupled with a healthy diet has allowed her to maintain a healthier weight than she ever thought possible. All because she was able to enjoy losing weight by playing a video game that changed her life.
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The Involvement of Schools in Teen Weight Loss
If you want to help your children lose weight, some changes have to be made. It is becoming more often that we read and hear a lot about the need to lose weight on a daily basis. Now that obesity is being recognized as an increasing problem, losing weight, especially in teens has gained a lot more significance. Overweight kids have been the product of a "fast food" lifestyle that most families has grown accustomed with. Daily consumption of hamburgers and fries along with other add-on have made it easier for teens to gain more weight and at the same time get less of the essential nutrients that their growing body needs. It is becoming an unhealthy trend that needs to be addressed. It is usually up to the parents to take action. So what is usually the quick and easy answer to help teenagers as well as adults lose weight? The simple combination of diet and exercise of course. Almost everyone is aware that following a healthy diet and regular exercise are keys to losing and maintaining a healthy weight. No new research is required before you can look into the causes of obesity in teenagers. More than just the fast food, it is also the larger portion sizes, or increasing inactivity that are causing more teens to become overweight. There is not one single thing that they can easily change and make fewer people overweight. It is usually a combination of diet, exercise and other things that is the successful answer to any weight issues. The big concern is more on how to find the motivation to eat healthier and exercise regularly. This is probably the most difficult part of trying to lose weight. But even if one has the proper motivation to start eating healthier and exercising more often, trying to keep it up becomes an even harder task. In the case of teenage kids, proper motivation may come from going to school each day. An educational institution that practices and preaches a healthy lifestyle would be more than helpful in keeping the weight of teenage and even younger kids in check. Schools can institute major changes in order to provide kids with healthy meals and regular exercise. Small steps such as banning soda and fruit drinks can help a lot. There are many ways that a school might help kids in general become healthier. One is by providing real daily physical education requirements that can help make kids more active physically, a break from a sedentary lifestyle that they may be accustomed with at home. A school can also help in an effective weight loss program for kids by offering only healthy foods at school meals. Unhealthy foods or snacks should not be offered as an option for kids who don't want to eat healthy. Having adequate fitness equipment available to all students can greatly help in motivating kids to become more active. Such equipment should be made available for everyone and not just for those students who are participating in formal sports. Schools can also increase the number of informal sports that kids can play. This way, kids do not have to be a member of the varsity basketball team in order to enjoy playing basketball at school. Of all of these changes, the program to increase physical education requirements will likely be the most useful in helping kids reach a healthy weight. Such programs can also help them avoid becoming overweight and further help kids build good habits that might stay with them into adulthood.
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Weight Loss Pills For Teens
Someone once said, "Health is wealth." This statement is true given that there are more teens obese today than it was 20 years ago which could lead to various problems in the future such as diabetes and heart disease. The best way to lose those extra pounds is by working out and going on a diet. Unfortunately, a lot of teens find it difficult to balance the time, which is why many have turned to weight loss pills. Weight loss pills are designed to make a person lose weight by suppressing one's appetite. The only drug approved by the FDA for use on teens between the ages of 12 and 16 is Xenical, which was once only used by overweight women. When teens decide to eat food, the main ingredient, Orlistat blocks the absorbing of fat and releases this out through the intestine as waste. In a comparative study done between those who took the drug and those on a placebo diet, results prove that the people here lost an average of seven to eight pounds, which is much higher than the other group. Since the body needs fat, teens are advised to compensate for the losses by having this replenished during the three regular meals of the day. The test group did not just take Xenical to get the results. These people also had to follow a strict diet plan and exercise to maintain the weight that was lost. One of the things to also watch out for are the side effects such as gas pains, nausea and wet stools that will prompt the person to frequently go to the toilet. Xenical is a prescription drug. This means that the parents of the teenager or that person cannot just buy this off the counter. It is only after a thorough medical examination has been conducted that the doctor will allow the patient to use this kind of medication. Will someone who takes this get the same results like those in the test study? The answer is no. This figure could be higher or lower which really depends on the patient's metabolism. Patients are advised to discontinue the use of Xenical if there are no signs of improvement after six months. Doctors may have to try something stronger such as the next one called Meridia. Meridia is a diet pill that sends a signal to the brain making the person think that the body is already full after eating only a few servings. The ingredient that makes this happen is called Sibutramine. It works much differently than Xenical with the same objective of losing the excess weight. There are two other diet pills that the patient may take. These are namely Bontril and Didrex. These ingredients of these two drugs are different and the doctor may increase the dosage if there are no signs of improvement. Unlike Xenical and Meridia, both of these pills have certain ingredients that are quite addictive so this can only be used for a short period of time. A gradual decrease in the dosage is also done to prevent withdrawal symptoms. Diet pill such as those mentioned are only used for teens that are obese. Those who are overweight will have to go on a diet and exercise given that people at this young age can still engage in strenuous activity unlike people two or three times that age.
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Helping Your Kids Lose Weight
If you want to help your teenage kids to lose weight, here are some tips that may prove helpful: 1. Make losing weight a family affair. Rather than just concentrating on your teen, try to adopt healthy habits as a family. Eating healthier foods at home and getting more exercise is good for the whole family. Try to encourage family members to eat more fruits, veggies and whole grains. Prepare menus that contain healthy food groups to ensure that your family is getting all the nutrients that they need. Practice leaving junk food when you do your shopping at the grocery store. Healthy foods may sometimes cost you more, but it' is worth investing in as it concerns the health of your whole family. 2. Allow occasional treats as a break from the usual. That late-night pizza with friends or nachos at the mall doesn't need to be totally excluded from your teen's healthy-eating plan. Suggest a healthier alternative instead such as breadstick and marinara sauce instead of garlic bread dripping in butter and cheese. You can also opt for ordering a shared snack instead of a full-size order to lessen the portions. You can let your teen know that he or she can also have control over his or her eating choices and an occasional indulgence is acceptable. A trend towards developing healthier habits is what really matters rather than banishing your kid's favorite food totally. 3. Plan fun and highly active family outings, such as regular walks at the park or weekend visits to a local recreation center. Such activities can greatly help keep your kids stay active. And not only that, such activities can also be a great way for the whole family to bond and enjoy each one's company. 4. Be positive. With your kids being overweight, their feelings should also be put into consideration. How they feel about themselves can affect their motivation to lose weight. As a parent, you can actually influence how your kids will feel about themselves. You must help them realize that being overweight doesn't inevitably lead to a lifetime of having low self-esteem. Your acceptance of their condition is critical. Try to listen to your teen's concerns. Provide positive comment on his or her efforts, skills and accomplishments. You must always make it clear that your love and concern is unconditional and that it is not dependent on weight loss. This will make them more secure as well as confident in trying to motivate himself or herself from losing weight. You can help your teen learn healthy ways of being more open in express his or her feelings. 5. Eat breakfast. This is usually a thing that is lightly taken in many families. But breakfast can really help your teen from keeping off those extra pounds. It may take some constant urging for your teen to get up early for breakfast, but always bear in mind that it is important. A well-balanced nutritious breakfast at the start of the day will jump-start your teen's metabolism. This meal will be able to give him or her energy to face the day ahead. Even better, feeling full each morning before going out of the house may keep your teen from eating too much during the rest of the day. These are just a few of the many things that you can do to help your teen from getting rid of excess pounds and keeping it off. It may take a bit of work on your part. But the rewards can be seen in knowing that your kids are learning to live a healthier lifestyle and grow and develop into healthy adults.
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Healthy Way For Teens To Lose Weight
There is nothing wrong with eating. The problem occurs when the teenager eats too much food that contains fats and sugars which is reason that many become overweight. Studies show that those who are unable to control it want a quick solution. There are quite a few which are not effective and in reality are potentially dangerous. One example is the vegetarian diet. In essence, there is nothing wrong with however teens who dont know any better have totally removed chicken and meat products from the dish. Vegetarians believe it or not still need to eat a little meat such as those derived from poultry products and fish. This is because it has the essential nutrients that are needed while a teen is growing up. Some people tend to forget all that but there is a downside to it. This is because the teenager will have to eat a wide variety of vegetables to compensate for this. Some teens have tried drinking herbal tea. These products are very similar to laxative pills because the person will frequently be forced to go to the bathroom and get rid of it. Studies have shown that this is unsafe for a teen who will most likely suffer from dehydration or complications in the colon. Teens are very susceptible to ads seen on television. There are some on the home television shopping network that promise to lose those extra pounds by going on a diet in just two weeks. These usually focus on a low calorie diet plan. Although there is nothing wrong should this be done for an adult, again, this is harmful for teens. This is because a sudden loss in the calorie intake will prompt the body to take defensive measures and force one to eat a lot later on to compensate of the deficiency. In fact, the same effects will happen should the teenager even think of going on a starvation diet. Another unsafe way to lose weight will be vomit out the food that was eaten. This is worse than starving oneself because the body expels hydrochloric acid that burns the throat and the teeth. So, is there a healthy way for a teen to lose the excess weight? The answer is yes. The first step is admitting to oneself that it has to end and then sharing this problem with members in the family to get the help and support. Someone may recommend a diet plan that was made by a trained professionals and tested by doctors. There are so many to choose from and some focus more on carbs while others put more emphasis on consuming more proteins. A healthy diet should have a good follow through with the right exercise. There are various workout programs like lifting weights, attending group classes or burning those calories on the treadmill. There are also other sports such as basketball, football or swimming that the teen can engage especially when the body can still withstand the pressures of rigorous activity. There is no such a thing as a fast way to lose weight. The only thing that exists is a safe and healthy one that can make this happen. There will be challenges ahead but this can only be achieved with the help of a trained professional.
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Free weight loss program for teenagers
Losing weight is in vogue right now. What with celebrities and teen stars all losing pounds, it is not surprising that the vast majority of teeners in America are also obsessed with weight loss programs. Everyone wants to stay slim as the models that they see strutting in the catwalks. Everyone wants to be able to dress like their idols Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan and Hillary Duff. Weight loss programs, however, can be really expensive. And no amount of saving your monthly allowance will be able to make you afford one. Unless of course you have a trust fund like that of the Hilton sisters! Losing weight however need not be expensive. In fact, you can lose those additional weight and pounds without even having to shell out a lot of money. This is especially true if you do not really need to lose much. You can actually do it for free. You dont believe me? Read on below and find some tips on how to achieve weight loss for free. Determine how much to lose The process of losing weight is different for different people. This is because people need to lose different amounts of weight. A weight loss program that has worked for someone who needs to lose a little over 20 pounds may not work for someone who needs to lose more than 50 pounds. The same goes with people who have the time to work out in a gym and those who opt for home exercise. Before you determine the right program for losing weight, you have to first know just how much pounds you have to lose. To do this, consult the body mass index to know the ideal weight for your age and your height. After doing this, you will be able to plan your own weight program. Combine diet and exercise One of the most costly mistakes both financially and health-wise that teenagers make is to concentrate on just one aspect of dieting. This may not be good for the dieter as concentrating on just one will not balance out the weight loss. If you diet too much, your body may suffer from the loss of nutrients and exercising too much may lead to muscle pains and body aches. It is important that you combine both of these things to achieve maximum weight loss. What is more, when both of these are combined, weight loss is more permanent and more lasting. Slowly but surely Crash diets often do not work in the long run. Oh, it can make you lose weight fast but because of what your body has gone through, you will gain the lost pounds just as fast. In addition, crash diets will only put your body and health in jeopardy. It is important that you give yourself enough time to lose those unwanted pounds slowly but surely. This way, you can be sure that your weigh loss will be for keeps. Check your commitment meter One important ingredient in a weight loss program is the hunger for weight loss. You can enroll in the most expensive weight loss program but without the determination to lose weight, your money will just go down the drain. If you have full commitment in the program, even if it is something that you have only planned yourself, you can succeed.
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Something good and free came out of the internet
We want everything in life to be free, like the air we breathe. But reality is not that easy nor is it that kind. There are people who will exploit every opportunity to get even the smallest amount of money from various services. Fortunately, there are still a considerable number of good people in the world. Some of whom share their knowledge and experiences free of charge. Take for example the weight loss programs and techniques. It is common practice to hire experts to help individuals to loose weight. Nowadays, one can just go online, conduct a search and voila! You'll find instant and free tips and strategies that will guide adults and teens alike from loosing those excess pounds. Take for example the following tips. The following general guidelines were taken from the internet. They showcase some basic, at times rather obvious, words of advice on how teens should loose weight. Overweight teens have somewhat a tricky problem when it comes to loosing weight. They should take care and monitor their diets and weight loss closely since they might not be taking enough food that will give them the proper nutrients for them to grow and their bones and muscles to develop. The following tips include ingenious ways that teens can follow which can help them loose those body fats. Overweight is usually a result of overeating of junk foods rich with saturated fats, salts and loaded with calories. To curb your desire to eat chips, you learn to replace these types of foods with healthier ones like carrots or fruits. Replace a bag of potato chips with carrots sticks or apples or bananas. Another way to restrain your uncontrollable craving for extra foods like desserts and sweets, make sure that you brush your teeth at the end of every meal. Brushing have this unconscious effect that sends signals to your brain that says you've finished eating. Sometimes, when you do something while you eat, you don't seem to notice that you are already full or you are already eating more than what you should have. So as a recommendation for mothers at home, keep the kitchen free from clutter unrelated to cooking like homework, paper jobs, etc. When you're at school, keep your snack time to a minimum. The more you stay lingering around the school grounds or canteen, the more chances you have to buy something to eat. When eating, eat slowly and in small bites. Forcing yourself to chew your food will help you recognize that you're full. The brain takes around 20 minutes to determine if the stomach has just enough food or not. That's why by eating slowly, you could get the right portions of food since you would always be able to avoid over eating. It is also known hat music affect eating habits. The faster the music the faster you tend to eat and we don't want that. And also, be sure to be as active as possible. Also, it seems that sunlight affects cravings for sweets. It is said that when teens are exposed less to the sun, they tend to grab more high-calorie, fatty carbs like cakes, cookies, ice cream and chips, These are just a few free tips that I've found in the Internet. The World Wide Web is full of articles just like this. All you need to learn is how to use the internet to your advantage.
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Reality of Fast Weight Loss
Do think there is fast weight loss? Yes. The fastest weight loss a teen can do is to stop eating or to starve until it can be tolerated. It is the worst thing a teen can achieve as an empty goal. Starving can lead to serious health conditions for some self-explanatory reason that eating is a basic need. Not eating for quite longer will definitely not last long, especially for healthy teens with hectic activities. Without explaining further, simply starving is frustrating, tough to do when energy is needed at most during the times of hurdling at school. Talking about real regimen for fast weight loss for teens will lead you to myriads of methods promoted by aggressive sales marketing people in the consumer world. There is simply a drug created for every common ordeal in the face of the earth. Diet pills flood the papers with the promise of ramp model silhouette as endorsed by top showbiz commercial personalities. When an obese teen gazes at a slim lady doing ads of diet pills or delivering some other scripted testimonials, there is a tendency to get lured by the beauty on how they say the ad message. The reality will only be proven by walking and looking around a crowded downtown where you can see people from all walks of life, in all shapes and sizes. The ramp models comprise not more than .8% at large. It means the average people are not endowed with such appearance as seen on TV. Wake up! The TV will only show the best part of the stage. There is only a wall separating the re-enacted portrayals seen on shows, but behind is always the gaping reality: not everyone is slim! But teens are becoming influenced by social stigma to look great. It is indirectly associated with being trim all the time. Sometimes it is not the issue of being overweight or not, but you will realize, it has something to do with wrong fat distribution in the body. People of same weight would definitely look different: one may have wide hips, while the other might be endowed with bulky upper body torso. Breasts have weight too. Fats usually hide in favorite spots like the inner thighs, lower and upper abdomen, belly, and arms. When too much fat are noticeable in the said areas of the body, it surely becomes an annoying burden to carry around all the time. Exercise can re-shape the ugly fat concentration, but it takes courage to accept the simple truth that genetic make will always take its course in one's physiological attribute. For teens aspiring fast weight loss, forget it. Yes, there are fast ways to weight loss but they will only lead to fast rebound of loss body fats if the motivation to permanently keep trim is not seriously thought of. There are accounts of success stories on slow weight loss regiment worked out of strong determination on a daily basis. It is a combination of good diet, exercise, and stress-free indulgence of activities. Weight loss has to be one's goal in a very realistic sense. Fats are stored in a slow fashion after the food and nutrients have been processed. Therefore, the capability to think at hand is faster before one can pop a high calorie serving of dessert in every meal. Open your mind! The best dieting tool around is centered in one's brain --- the decision you make in every meal.
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Fast weight loss diet for teens
With celebrities all losing weight especially teen stars like Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton and Hillary Duff, it is no wonder that teenagers nowadays want to have the slimmest bod ever. And with a hundred and one kinds of the diet programs in the market, dieting is not really that hard especially if you are really dead set on your target weight and losing those extra pounds. It is important though that you look for a kind of diet that will fit your needs and something that will still keep you healthy. Most of the diet programs in the market may work but getting into the program can be mighty expensive. Unless you have someone like Donald Trump as your father, an ordinary teenager like you would never be able to afford the diet program even if you save your whole monthly allowance. Other programs though that you can afford may not work the same way. If you are not really in need of a crash diet and just need to lose a few pounds, then you can just do your own kind of diet and monitor your own progress. There is actually no great secret in dieting. The right kind of dieting is composed of two things, balance diet and exercise. Below are some ideas and tips that may help you start the diet program. See what works for you and who knows, you might even be able to invent your own. Lessen the meat One way to truly lose weight is to avoid foods that put calories into your weight. This means that you should avoid foods that are rich in fats and carbohydrates. Lessen your intake of red meat such as beef and pork. If you must really have to, eat white meat such as those found in chicken and in turkey. Go for the fruits Fruits are healthy foods that provide a balance of nutrients and what is more, it is a good source of fibers that help the digestive system metabolize the foods that we take into our bodies. Fruits are also great sources of vitamins and minerals that will not only keep your body healthy but will also keep your skin and other body functions in tip-top shape. Eat veggies. Veggies are foods that are low in caloric content but rich in fibers, vitamins and minerals. Depending on how it is cooked, going on a vegetarian meal once in a while can help you lose those unwanted fats fast. Exercise routine The other side of a diet program is the exercise part. It is not enough that you just eat the right kinds of food. Doing this will only prevent you from gaining more weight but will not make a difference in the weight that you have gained before. If you really want to lose weight, diet and exercise goes hand in hand. Most people think that if they exercise, every now and then, they will already lose weight. This is not the case. In order to really lose weight, it is important that you establish an exercise routine that you will be able to follow through. Commitment Without this, nothing will ever come off from your attempt. In losing weight, you really have to want to lose weight. There is no half measure. There is no vacation. Total and absolute commitment is necessary. Otherwise, you are just wasting your time.
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Exercise Is The Best Way to Lose Weight
There are a lot of people who are overweight. This did not happen overnight so those who think this can disappear in a flash should think again. There are many ways that the person can use to get rid of those excess pounds. Although science has developed diet pills and some have developed diet programs, the best way to lose weight is still through exercise. Exercise is the best because it builds the person's endurance. As this develops, it also increases ones metabolism prompting one to burn more calories than before which results in weight loss. Studies show that there are no known side effects when one decides to exercise. The worse that can happen to a person is straining a muscle for failing to stretch or by not giving the body enough time to recuperate before engaging in another session. Teens dont have to spend much in order to lose weight. This is because there are some exercises that can be done at home. For instance, after stretching, the person can go for a walking or jogging early in the morning thus burning a few calories. Afterwards, the teen can do some push ups and sit ups to work on the upper body and the abs. The other way that will cost a little will be by enrolling in a gym. Here, a fitness trainer can help the individual lose weight by coming up with a program that involves cardio-vascular and aerobic activity. Warm up will be running for a few miles on the treadmill followed by some weight training using the various machines. Teens who find it difficult to hire a trainer can make a workout after being taught how to use the equipment while those who have fun with many people around can join one of the classes being offered at the gym. Some of the more popular group classes are aerobics, tae bo, Pilates and yoga. The person should just check what time the classes are held since this may be scheduled at different times of the day. Those who are shy about being with other people but would still like to participate in a class can get the DVD version instead. There are a lot of these being sold in the video store or online which is just like being there and attending the real session. One of the most important things to remember while exercising is to drink lots of water. People who fail to do this may suffer from heatstroke or dehydration which is also not good for someone who wants to lose weight. Before engaging in any exercise, it is advisable to see a doctor. The mind may feel like it can do anything but if the body may say differently. The teen should just do things gradually at first and then pick up the pace with other exercises as time progresses. Engaging in a sport is another form of exercise. Running down the court in a game of basketball or football may not seem like much but it still increases one's heart rate and burns those calories. These examples just show that there are many ways how a teen can lose weight. There are people out there who sometimes need a little push to get started.
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Modern teens face more than hormonal changes
For teenager, weight loss is a perpetual issue. During the times of raging hormones and attempting to adapt to their changing bodies and social roles, you'll find teens complaining of their looks especially their weights. First off, you need to consult a doctor or dietitian to determine if your kid is indeed overweight or if he/she needs to loose weight fast. If a teen is really overweight, then moral and emotional support is one of the basic things needed to overcome their weight problems. Always remember that weight management is a long-term process and involves not just the person who will try to loose weight. It involves the people who prepare his/her food, among others. It has been found out that teens that have the support of their families show better results in weight reduction programs that those teens that go about the program on their own. When trying to loose weight, be sure that you do that in the safest way possible. Recent medical studies recommend losing not more than two pounds per week. Weight loss can be accomplished through a combination of programs which include exercise and decreased calorie intake. Make sure to get into a program that helps you loose weight the right way. The medical community warns of loosing more than 2% of one's body weight in a period of 24-48 hours. The results would be a decrease in aerobic performance and endurance. Meanwhile, losing more than 5% of one's body weight in three to four days will have detrimental results on one's power, muscle endurance and strength, aerobic performances and even mental concentration. With such extreme weight loss programs, the body looses the ability to cool itself which can cause more harm than good. Aside from the right exercise, you need to compliment this increased activity with the right diet. Avoid drinks that are high in calories like sodas, juices, and other drinks. If you cannot avoid sodas, switch to the diet or low calorie ones. Make sure that you drink lots of water or other sugar-free drinks. This will help you stay away from those sodas. Sometimes, it is best to take one step at time. More often than not, one tends to go back to their normal ways quickly if changes are introduced drastically. That's why it is better to move forward gradually rather than leaping two to three steps forward and finding yourself five steps back after a few weeks. One great tip in reducing your food intake is to stop eating when you're already full. Avoid eating when you're emotionally unstable. This happens a lot, especially in teens with constant body changes. When people eat because they are bored, lonely, or stressed, they tend to continue eating despite that fact that they are already full. Eat slowly since it will take about 20 minutes before your brain recognize the amount of food in your stomach. Be sure to eat lots of fruits and vegetables. As much as possible, replace your junk food intake with fruits or vegetables. Not only will you loose weight but it will keep your heart and body healthy. Also, don't replace food groups or avoid eating them in your attempt to loose weight. As a teenager, you should avoid such forms of diets since your body still needs the nutrients for growth and development. Diet pills are also a no-no. These pills can be very dangerous to one's health even if taken with a doctor's prescription. It is better to go about loosing weight the more natural way. It will create discipline and is more sustainable in the long run.
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Weight Loss is Free and Easy if Reflected Seriously
Teen-agers are always plagued by many health problems triggered by many factors. One of the basic issues during this stage is the peer pressure to maintain normal weight, and in much desired sense, every teen-ager prefers the anorexic-look. Easy free weight loss for teens is not suppose to be an issue if only the word "discipline" is properly established in one's daily living. What can you expect of teens? They will do the worse by escaping meals, only to feel tired and haggard with the struggle of keeping a trim body. The ways to do effective teen weight loss starts at home. Usually if the environment has erratic schedules, chances are the lifestyle is chaotic too, and in some way this can affect the management of food served. While teens are outgoing, they end up taking dinner at fast food chains or they keep busy in front of TVs nibbling crackers. Keeping a sensible book on calorie list is better than not knowing the count of each food indiscriminately taken. A teen can keep this somewhere while keeping track of each food consumption. Usually, unnecessary beverages also add a scale in the calorie list. If one is not aware, alcohols have high calorie content, yet it does not give potential benefit for the body. Ice cream is also one culprit in adding any excess weight to a complete daily diet. Imagine an approximate 450 calories per serving of ice cream, which already comprise almost the third of an average person's complete meal. Being aware of every calorie count does serve as reminder of what could be taken constantly. In consistent use, one could even memorize the tabulation with ease. Fruits and vegetables are important part of diet with lesser amount of calories yet vital in daily processes. Teens must not forget to take these food groups in larger quantities to help them with an efficient diet rather than fantasize on a big serving of french fries during outdoor activities. Cakes and fancy pastries are rich on oil, yet they can't fully satisfy the pang of hunger. A good serving of natural cereals for breakfast is a good start for the day. Easy and free teen weight loss program should be the focus in getting trim. Advertisements are sometimes the culprit on why teens plunge with different systems of weight loss, which are not necessary for such a tender age. Usually, product lines of diet pills and tablets may sound encouraging because of the promise of instant effect and false scripted testimonials that go along with ads. A chubby teen would find it tempting to try any methods just to look sexy on a prom night. It is quite funny to see and hear several varying stories on gaining and losing weight from people of all walks of life. Each is unique, however, it will really tickle your thoughts on why there are dozens of ineffective methods? People come and go, thin, and fat sharing their side of experiences. You will realize, there is no perfect universal diet regimen for everyone. There is only one universal truth about staying trim the cheapest way, and that is taking a close study on what you eat. It means, the only key to permanent weight loss is still the motivation to limit the amount of food taken, plus knowing the right energy (calorie) each food contains for consumption. One must really digest this idea and sit down to think over or reflect on how stubborn most people are in terms of eating habits.
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Some Terrier Dogs That You Would Find Interesting
The personality of a lively child put into dog- this might be a good way of describing the general personality of terriers. But as it appears, that still would not justify their temperaments. These dogs came from the British Isles where they were first oriented to hunting fox, rat, otter and the likes over and under the ground. And as its name suggests, terrier came from the word terra which means, earth. While terriers may be identified through their prominent physical characteristics, they are still divided into various breeds that separate one kind from another. The following are the subgroups of the terrier breed: Show Terriers- These are basically bred as small dogs and are used for show rings. Bull and Terrier Types- these came from breeding between bull dogs and terriers. Only in the last quarter of 1800s did the breeders separate a number of bull dogs from terrier types for distinction. Hunting and Working Terriers- The breed that was primarily bred for hunting. Toy Terriers- These are the smaller versions of terriers, which are basically categorized into the companion breed. To help you understand the various natures of terrier dogs, we have prepared some dog profiles here, please read on. Airedale Terrier- This is known to be the largest dog in the Terrier breed. Standing an average of 23 inches from the shoulder, this dog shows off both beauty and elegance that make them fit for both dog obedience trials and show rings. A cross-breed between Otterhound and Black and Tan Terrier, Airedale possess good skill in scent and superb swimming prowess. Australian Terrier- Probably one of the dog types that have gotten to so many out-crossings with other dog breeds. A cross breed between the forerunner of Dandie Dinmont and rough coated terrier is said to have been migrated into England. The offspring of which was taken to Australia. With the scarcity of dog breeds in this land, many dogs had been crossbred into it which later resulted to a small type having the characteristics of terriers while being a good watchdog and ratter. It stands 10 to 11 inches with a life expectancy of 12 to 14 years. Border Terrier- A True-blue working terrier, this dog is marked by its medium built while proving to work far better than what its appearance may give. Border Terriers are agile and alert while having the capacity to fit into narrow gaps especially during hunting. Aside from its being affectionate and good adaptation to training, Border terriers can also make good family pets. Bull Terrier- Originally bred for dog fighting and bull baiting, this dog is known to have been well-accustomed to courage and good resistance to pain. However, when the bloody dog fights were banned in England during the 1800s, most breeders turned to breeding milder dogs. Bull Terriers came from these fighting dogs combined with Dalmatian and English Terrier to produce all-white specie. This new breed though is very much reserved from starting fights which gave them the nickname White Cavalier. There are of course a variety of other terrier species. Initially, you might find them interesting enough to catch your attention but a closer look would lead you to further knowing them. Who knows, you might find your ideal type of dog in this breed.
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The Playful and Versatile Dog: Wheaten Terrier
Like most terriers, the Wheaten terriers, or simply called as Wheatens, were originally bred as hunters. Therefore, their physique naturally evolved as strong and healthy. Their hunting instincts have made them agile and alert as most terriers are. However, this breed is more stable and steady as compared to most terriers as they were used as by Irish farmers as all-purpose dogs. Among the activities that molded their instincts and physical features were herding cattle and sheep, vermin terminators, hunting both in water and on land, and serving as watch dogs that deterred trespassers. The following are some of the basic facts breeders would really love to know about Wheatens: Category: Terrier Living Environment: indoors (highly recommended); outdoors (fenced yard) Coat: single coat, medium length, silky and soft, wavy Colors: born to have black coats but at the age of two, their coats lighten to achieve the color of wheat grains Height: between 17 and 20 inches Weight: between 30 and 45 pounds Temperament: Naturally, they rarely bark especially when it is unnecessary to do so they immediately reflect the moods of their household or those around them. their type requires a great deal of commitment and effort in training them so they should not be given to novice breeders and/or owners If trained properly, they are generally happy and friendly are easy-going, confident, and deeply dedicated to their family's security can get along well with older children and other animals that have been raised with them or are living within the same household Breeders should note of the following health issues: Flea allergies Addison's disease Heat stroke PLN and PLE Care and Exercise: They require daily combing to prevent their wavy and thick coat from tangling. They should undergo trimming by professionals at least four times each year. Dry shampooing or even bathing should be done only when it is necessary. Eyes and ears should be checked and cleaned on a regular basis. They should be brought along with family activities such as play sessions, hiking, picnic, and even walking. Origin/History: The soft coated breed of terriers, shortly called as Wheatens, originated from Ireland. The date of their existence was obscure but many assumed that their breeds were one of the oldest among other Irish varieties. They were molded as herders, farm dogs, and hunters and terminators of vermin, like the Cairns of Scotland. From Ireland, they were brought to the US in the year 1946. Slowly they gained popularity as pets and as entertainers. However, the extraordinary appeal of this breed to the Americans at present would not be possible if Patrick Blake did not save its lineage from extinction in1932. They were registered by the American Kennel Club in the year 1973. Though their types have hunter instincts, they can get along well with older children and other animals within the household through proper training and attention. Like most terriers, they easily develop close affinity with family members so they normally appoint themselves as watch or guard dogs. For professional breeders, why not appoint them as well as your pet especially when you are looking for a playful yet reliable companion and guard dog? To this effect, you can say that what you own is one heck of a doga dog that can work and play as well!
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Information about Welsh Terrier Dogs
Welsh terrier dogs were originally bred as hunting dogs. However, this native breed of Wales soon rose to become show dogs. Breeders attempted to outdo each other by developing the Welsh terrier dogs' wiry coats and coloration. People often take a Welsh terrier dog as a pet because it is one of the most mild-mannered of terriers. You might think that this characteristic would make it one of the more boring terriers. In fact, even the most die-hard terrier fan can have fun with this breed. This is because of the fact that Welsh terrier dogs love to play. This makes the Welsh terrier dog a great companion. Although not as high-energy as other breeds, this dog still is a terrier, which means that it still does contain some high levels of energy. Because of this, it is advised that they be given proper exercise regularly. Another good advice to follow is to properly socialize the dog at an early age. This would help the dog be friendlier towards humans and would help the dog to develop a good tolerance of other animals. It is generally friendly around children, provided that the children do not provoke or pester it too much. The Welsh terrier dog can be trained using different methods. What you need to keep in mind when training a Welsh terrier dog is that you can be firm but gentle. The Welsh terrier dog can be taught to perform a variety of tricks. This breed actually can do very well in fly ball tricks or tricks that involve catching flying things such as a Frisbee. You should brush a Welsh terrier dogs hair at least once a week in order to remove dead or loose hair. This would help prevent unnecessary shedding inside the house. Although regular bathing is not really required, it is advisable that you wipe off dust and dirt from your dog regularly using a damp washcloth. Because of its high energy level, it is advisable that a Welsh terrier dog be kept in a fenced in yard. This will give the dog enough space to play catch. However, if you take it out regularly to give it exercise, a Welsh terrier dog can do without the yard. One thing that always gets peoples attention is the Welsh terrier dogs excellent ability to jump. Because of this ability, it is sure to provide a lot of amusement to people. The main reason that it can jump and hop like it does is its long legs. It is because of these legs that a Welsh terrier dog can perform various tricks that other dog breeds are unable to do. Why do you need to know all these things about Welsh terrier dogs? First of all, understanding these facts will help you discover the best way to take care of a Welsh terrier dog. Understanding these facts will also allow you to decide whether a Welsh terrier dog will make the best pet for you. By learning all you can about Welsh terrier dogs, you get the knowledge necessary to provide the needs of your pet. This means that you will be able to develop a good, caring relationship with your pet. Of course, learning all that you can about Welsh terrier dogs is not really easy. But you need to remember that life sometimes requires sacrifices to be made.
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A Glimpse on the Various Types of Terrier Dogs
Whatever your dog preference is, you are sure to find terrier dogs among the candidates for a pal. Youll get energy you want with little grooming and added wit. Basically bred for hunting and killing vermin, Terrier dogs are now known to offer wide spectrum of features and characters that you might find lovable. They are not as cuddly as toy dogs (while there are some terrier dogs in the toy and companion dog brackets) and they may not be as intelligent like other breeds but they set off these lacks with various things that only they can offer. Let us discuss in brief some of the terrier dog types that you may find interesting: Less aggressive but definitely not timid. This best describes Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers. They are definitely alert and very spirited, but when the call for steadiness arrives, they are sure to show you some air of confidence and steady disposition. This dog type too is gifted with intelligence which makes them very responsive with obedience training. Parson Russell Terrier is a dog type that exhibits boldness, cleverness, affection and exuberant disposition. While many may find this a playful pal, it is still not advisable for everyone to take Parson Russell home. In fact, formal obedience training is a must for owners since this dog type is more likely to display mischievousness and too much playfulness that make this a very independent pet. For people with active lifestyles and those who can tolerate explorative disposition, this scamp is the best for you. The Norwich Terrier, on the other hand, is a type of dog that resulted from breeding small Terriers with other smaller breeds, possibly Yorkshire Terriers. Maintenance of Norwich Terrier is minimal and they are content with modest living quarters. They have active disposition though and can be affectionate and fearless. Additionally, they are also known to display stocky and happy personalities which make them ideal pals. Much like the Norwich Terriers, Norfolk Terriers are also well-spirited, fearless, charming and always ready for game. While both may have some similar physical characteristics, Norfolks can still be distinguished through their folds in the ears. Basically workman-like dogs, Kerry Blue Terriers are excellent watchdogs and work well in farm settings. This dog got its name from its blue-shade coat color which was originally black during puppyhood. Wire Fox Terriers are of great interest since they display power through its excellent endurance capabilities and speed. Alertness and quick movements are the dominant expressions of this dog type. It is advisable though that the owner trains this dog and should be given enough doses of daily exercises. Meanwhile, Smooth Fox Terriers are the frolic and lively types of dogs that are ideal in both country and city living. Displaying intelligence and cleverness, this dog makes good trainees and must be well credited by that. They are also likely to show great affection towards their owners. These are just some of the many terrier dog types that can be considered as your next pets. In general, this dog type has good dispositions and makes ideal home pets. While some may display obscure aggressiveness, this still does not negate the fact that most types have the capacity to develop affection and keen expression of their attachment to their owners. Be warned though that some dog types in this breed can be very playful and should be given enough amount of attention and time during obedience training and exercises.
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Training Your Silky Dog: A Terrier Anti-Terror Basics
It is essential to have a dog that knows how to follow the right rules and how to live around your house. To achieve this, dog training must be considered. Most people think that training a dog is hard and expensive. Moreover, dog training requires a lot of patience and creativity for your dog. We have to remember that dogs may be intelligent but they can not be as intelligent as us. The article provides some of the basic things dog owners need to know so they can do the training themselves. However, to maximize the full potential of your dog, a dog trainer should be hired instead. What are the differences between a submissive dog and a dominant dog? A submissive dog normally: avoids eye contact. rolls on its back. crouch down, ears back and tail lowered. is comfortable on its back in your arms. On the other hand, a dominant dog: maintains eye contact. is unwilling to move from his place on the couch. dislikes grooming and petting. is possessive of dishes and toys. Training your silky terriers requires kindness and consistency. Silkys respond actively to praises and to rewards. In addition, they become harsh and unresponsive towards punishments and animosity, respectively. Trainings with obedience classes can be intensely beneficial in petting your silky terriers. In many dog training schools, classes for puppies are available. Young dogs are taught to get accustomed with other dogs and people using limited trainings. However, there are areas that do not conduct formal obedience training unless the dog is at least half a year old. Always remember that a dog is never too old to benefit from training when a good trainer is available, or if the owner is fully committed to the task. Here are the recommended ways of training silky terriers: 1.Reiteration or Repetition Reiteration is the name of the dog training game. In here, dogs are asked to do a task over and over again to achieve mastery. Dog tricks are best learned when reiterated and reinforced through rewards. 2. Persistence Patience is a virtue that requires you to tolerate hardships. Persistence is trying to be patient for a longer time until a goal is achieved. Apparently, dog training requires a lot of persistence from the owner or from the trainer Physical and psychological aspects of the owner and/or the trainer must be sound. 3. Commendation and Amendation Simply put, if a dog does the right thing, it should be said aloud. Otherwise, the dog should hear, "No, that's not it!" when the trick is not complete or appropriate for the command given. These words reinforce correct responses and diminish the unwanted ones. 4. Rewarding Bits of cheese would really be good treats for dogs who responded correctly to a given command. Other food can be bought at pet sores. However, if you are able to get the respect of your pet, commands will be executed even if there are no longer involved treats. Likewise, these things reinforce warranted responses. If your lifestyle permits being in charge of training your own pet, you can do the training as long as you have gathered enough patience and commitment by: 1. spending time grooming your dog. 2. having regular training times on the leash. 3. stroking its belly and toes and rolling it on its back 4. hand feeding some food to ensure that the pet is taking treats gently and slowly. In asserting dominance, always practice consistency and firmness. Afterwards, you can be a master and a dear friend to your own pet.
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The Popular Pet and Lap Dog: Yorkshire Terrier
The Yorkshire terriers, or Yorkies, originated from Scotland but bred in England. They were molded to hunt rats, but nowadays they are popular as pets. In fact, their variety was one of the Top Dog Breeds of 2005. They usually grow being small and light varieties. Hence, owners do not mind having their pets on their lap almost all day. Moreover, this usual bonding activity usually transforms this lap dog into a bright, playful, and loyal companion pet. The following are some of the basic facts breeders would really love to know about Yorkies: Category: Toy (Terrier) Living Environment: indoors (highly recommended); outdoors (fenced yard) Coat: silky, glossy, long and fine; no undercoat Colors: black when young but they attain the colors tan and blue as they mature . Height: between 8 and 9 inches Weight: between 3 and 7 pounds Temperament: Naturally, they are territorial and like their privacy to be respected they are intelligent and fearless they are assertive and independent When properly trained, they develop close affinity with older children they become really playful and lively they become extremely affectionate they do not mind having other pets at home they focus much of their attention and affection toward their owner Breeders should note of the following health issues: Alopecia, or losing hair Cataract, or loss of transparency of one or both lenses of the eyes Cryptorchidism, wherein testicles do not descend into the scrotum Dwarfism Entropion, a disorder with the eyelid; lashes on the eyelid that irritate the eyeballs could lead to other complications Glaucoma, a condition that causes an increase pressure within the eye Hydrocephalus Keratoconjunctivitis sicca, or the reduction of tear production Low blood sugar Patellar luxation, a disorder in the kneecap Portosystemic shunt, or the accumulation of blood toxins in the liver Urolithiasis, an infection of the urinary tract leading to the formation of bladder stones. Care and Exercise: They require daily grooming. Ears and eyes must be cleaned and checked regularly. Dental hygiene must be regularly maintained. They are fit only for short strides. They should have a regular play time while lying under the sunbeams, chasing shadows, and joining tug-of-war. Origin/History: In the 19th century, a number of weavers from Scotland migrated to England and brought with them different terriers that were bred to hunt rats. Through time, these terriers were crossed and terriers with "broken hairs" were produced. In 1870, a "broken-haired Scotch terrier" was named as a Yorkshire terrier by a reporter. He argued that the breed should be called as such because his types were bred in a town called Yorkshire. Though the Yorkies were originally bred as working dogs, they became fashionable pets is England in the latter part of the Victorian era. In 1972, Yorkies were brought to the United States and became the country's favorite pet. You can say that the Yorkies developed into tough breeds because of their ancestors' reputation as rat-hunters. However, their size, and playful and bright character have actually captured the attention and affection of most pet owners. Most proud owners would boast that they have the great giants inside the bodies of these little dogs. If you want a small but terrible breed of dog, grab a Yorkie now! Just a friendly reminder, they would really need your attention and companionship than any other terriers.
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Some Facts about Silky Terrier Pet Dogs
Dogs have always been mans best friend. Nowadays, however, human-canine relations have been rather strained mainly because of apartment living. Many people today live in condominiums or apartment building where pets arent allowed. Because of this, people realize that they either need to get another place or to get one of the robot dogs that many companies are selling today. There is, however, an alternative many people today are getting toy pet dos like silky terriers. These toy dogs are the way to go if you want the warmth and companionship of a pet dog without the hassles. In this article, we are going to discuss the many virtues of having a silky terrier pet dog. One of the best characteristics of the silky terrier is its coat. If you have a silky terrier pet dog, the first thing you will notice about is the way that it coat shines. A silky terriers coat is actually where it gets the name from since its coat is straight and silky. One of the main reasons why dogs arent allowed in apartment buildings is because of fur shedding. Some dogs have the tendency to shed their coats and leave clumps of fur lying around the house. This can be very messy if not outright disgusting. One of the virtues of having a silky terrier pet dog is the fact that its coat really doesnt shed. This means that people can be sure that their pet dog does not leave a furry mess when it explores a room. Thus, your carpeting is safe from dog fur. Naturally alert and friendly, the silky terrier can make an excellent watchdog because of its terrier nature. It is friendly, but a silky terrier pet dog can be quite possessive with their family. It does not really like to be left alone for long periods of time and would behave their best when someone is always home with it. One thing you need to keep silky terriers as pet dogs is commitment. The coat of the silky terrier is prone to matting and tangles, which means that you need to brush it regularly. It also needs to be shampooed regularly in order to maintain the shine of the coat. Care should also be taken with the throat sine a silky terrier pet dog has especially sensitive trachea. You see how much attention a silky terrier pet dog requires? Training can also be quite a challenge since a silky terrier pet dog may be difficult to housebreak. People who own one agree that it takes a lot of energy to properly train a silky terrier pet dog. A silky terrier pet dog, however, will do well in training if a choke collar is not used. The trainer needs to be firm but just to the animal. A silky terrier pet dog can also be full of energy. This means that you need to constantly keep it occupied with activities. Boredom is one of the enemies of the silky terrier pet dog. It likes to be given the chance to run and play but it also is very suitable for an apartment. You also need to keep a silky terrier pet dog occupied socially. A silky terrier pet dog may be a handful, but it is perfect if you want a little ball of fun to keep you company.
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Why Own a Norfolk Terrier Dog as Pet
If you are planning to get a Norfolk terrier pet dog, here are some things you should know: The Norfolk terrier originated from England. It is actually very affectionate and does not exhibit a disagreeable nature. Because of this, many people like to keep them as pets. However, there can be quite some difficulty housetraining a Norfolk terrier pet dog. This is because of the fact that a Norfolk terrier pet dog can be quite stubborn. The best method recommended for this breed is crate training. What is crate training? Well, it involves training your Norfolk terrier pet dog to stay in a crate when it is left unsupervised. Used humanely, a crate can be a great den for your Norfolk terrier pet dog. This will help your Norfolk terrier pet dog when it needs some sort of privacy or alone time. This will also train your Norfolk terrier pet dog not to soil around the house. One advantage of crate training is the fact that you can be reassured that your pet will be safe even if it is left unsupervised. Traveling will also be much more comfortable, since your Norfolk terrier pet dog will have adjusted to his den. A Norfolk terrier pet dog does not naturally shed its fur. This fact has a good side and a bad side. On the good side, no shedding means no mess. This means that they can be kept indoors without risk of leaving fur on your floor. However, you do need to take your Norfolk terrier pet dog to a groomer twice a year in order to strip the coat. This is done in order to promote the growth of a new weather-resistant coat. In a sense, this allows your Norfolk terrier pet dog to freshen up. In order to properly care for the coat of your Norfolk terrier pet dog, you need to brush it at least twice a day. This will help get rid of tangles and prevent matting. Ideally, a Norfolk terrier pet dog should be kept in a place with a fenced yard so that it can have a large space to romp around. This is because of the fact that Norfolk terrier pet dogs thrive on activity. Boredom for this breed usually leads to destruction so you should try to keep it occupied. The best quality that a Norfolk terrier pet dog exhibits is the ability to get along with other pets. They also love children. This means that kids will have a lot of fun with a Norfolk terrier pet dog. You should be careful however, as Norfolk terrier pet dogs may perceive smaller animals as prey. One thing that may be admired in a Norfolk terrier pet dog is the fact that though it is not aggressive, it is generally a courageous breed. Because of this, a Norfolk terrier pet dog can make an excellent watchdog. Another factor that contributes to this is the fact that a Norfolk terrier pet dog is usually very alert and will bark immediately to alert the family. Before you get a Norfolk terrier pet dog, you need to make sure that you gather as much information as possible. By understanding the different aspects of the Norfolk terrier pet dog, you will make sure that you have the ability to care for one.
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A Dog in One Pack- Jack Russell Terrier
We basically want to find companions who would give us most of the benefits we think we need. Well, if you are looking for a dog that is somewhat a one-in-package pal, you might find Jack Russell Terriers interesting enough. This dog has a history that is somehow loomed to give rise to the specie. It was said that the breeder of this dog, a young Theologian student of Oxford University named John Russell once met a milkman with a white terrier that has spots on his eyes and ears. This dog became his interest which later proved to be his foundation for breeding a new dog breed that many has learned to love as pets. The dog he first saw was named "Trump" from which another 60 types of terriers were later bred from. With a terrier's basic nature to go on and over the ground (terrier by the way came from the Latin term "terra" which means earth), Jack Russell terriers also have the disposition to hunt and scour for hunting. Thus, they should be given enough grooming so as to set off the dirt they gather from digging soil to either bury a treasure or to recover a hidden treasure kept long ago. An excellent ratter, Jack Russell Terriers proves to be good "housekeepers" since they keep most rats away from home. Any unlucky rat that happens to be inside the quarters of this terrier is sure to meet its instant doom. Thus, owners find themselves with both a dog and cat in one pal. One basic character of this dog is its disposition towards strangers. They can easily figure out who must be kept away from their homes and who can be accepted inside the house. This very attitude also makes them good watchdogs. They were designed specifically to be aggressive on preys. And while they can be very vocal, many of them only barks when they find good reason to. They do not appear vicious though. But once they smell threat, they can show off aggressiveness that could serve as warning towards the strangers. However, once the stranger is let into the house by the owner, a Jack Russell can already tolerate his or her presence. This terrier is also a family dog and desires for human companionship. And their love for children is significantly interesting. However, once they are abused or had been shown improper treatments, may it be intentional or accidental, they can react through aggressive behaviors. Their aggressiveness is further manifested with their lack of fear towards larger dogs which can unfortunately lead to injuries, some can even be fatal. They are also marked for their intelligence and good spirit. These characteristics can be highly observable through their curiosity in things. Thus, they require supplementation on formal training unless you can tolerate difficult behaviors. The good thing though with Jack Russell is that it can acknowledge training and do well in most of them. In fact, they are known to champion various ring shows and other similar competitions. The Hollywood has recognized the disposition of these dogs too. Coupled with feisty and good physical characteristics, this pal has already made names in the screens. If Wishbone, Milo (from The Mask) and Eddie (from the Frasier) ring the bell on you then there is no doubt that you can recognize this dog. Jack Russell fair well with grooming. A dog of relatively small size, this breed will not tax you with grooming needs.
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The Dog of the Highlands: West Highland White Terrier
At around 1700s, the Isle of Skye and other highlands in Scotland were already producing lots of small terriers. Scottish breeds were separated into two: the Skye terriers and the Dandie Dinmont terriers. The Dandie Dinmonts were categorized as a separate breed. The Skyes included the Scotties, the Cairns and the West highland white terriers or the Westies. It was also noted that these terriers were the hybrids among the crossed Cairns, Scottish, and Dandies terriers. One could assume that the hybrid would really be loyal and its hunting instincts could not be belittled. In fact, many royalties in Scotland owned terriers that were very similar to the Westies of today. Another remarkable story is about a Westie that stopped a mother from constantly yelling at her daughter. Every time the mother would yell at her teenage daughter, the Westie would attack the mother. The aggression of the dog got worse over the years that resulted in the mother's complete inability to scold her teenager. It turned out that the girl was actually rewarding the dog for his protection by calming and soothing him down after every "threat" from her mother. Many would perceive that the daughter was able to help her mother to change her ways when in fact she was helping herself by rewarding the dog for its behavior. The following are some of the basic facts breeders would really love to know about Westies: Category: Terrier Living Environment: indoors (highly recommended); outdoors (fenced yard) Coat: about two-inch coarse and wiry outer coat and soft, dense, and furry undercoat Color: white Height: between 10 and 12 inches Weight: between 13 and 22 pounds Temperament: Naturally, they like to bark and dig they are not as willful like most terriers they love companionship When properly trained they can become fairly friendly towards strangers they develop close affinity with behaved children they love to chase cats but they do not hurt them they can become a very good watch dog they can become very lively Breeders should note of the following health issues: Chronic skin problems Perthe's disease (hip problems) Jawbone calcification Cranio mandibular osteopathy (lion jaw) Patella luxation, a disorder in the kneecap Liver ailments Deafness Congenital heart disease Care and Exercise: Their coat should be brushed regularly using a brush with stiff bristles. They should bathe only when necessary. Their whole coat should be stripped at least twice a year and trimmed every four months. The fur on the eyes and ears should be trimmed using blunt-nose mirrors. They will surely be more agile and healthy after regular sessions of play and/or walk. Origin/History: As noted, they share the same lineage with Cairns and Scotties (from Skye terriers), and even with the Dandies. This trio was developed in the Isle of Skye, which was one of the highlands in Scotland. It was noted that white whelps were chosen from the wiry-coated Cairns, Scotties, and Dandies to produce the variety that were known as Poltalloch terriers. Following are some items in the history that show the Westies' reputation of being owners' favorite companion dogs. Records in the history mentioned that around 1620, King James 1 of England requested some small white dogs from Argyleshire in Scotland. Colonel Malcolm, who was considered as the originator of Poltalloch terriers, that are very similar to the Westies of today, accidentally shot his terrier (a dark one). From then on he vowed to have only white terriers. In the 19th century, terriers that were very similar to the Westies were known as Roseneath terriers in honor of Duke of Argyll's interest and patronage of this breed. Roseneath was the name of his estate at Dumbartonshire. In the first-ever dog show that were organized in the late 1800s, the Westies were called as White Scottish terriers. In 1904, they were classified under the name West Highland White terriers. During the mid-1900s, breeders of the Cairns in Argyll, Scotland selected white puppies from the stock and interbreed some to obtain white Cairns. However, in 1917, the American Kennel Club ruled that Cairns could be listed if they have the Westies' lineage. We can say the history repeats itself for this delightful terrier is now mostly a favorite companion dog of many households.
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